throw 中文意思是什麼

音標 [θrəu]
throw 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (threw; thrown )1. 扔,拋,投,摔,擲,丟。
2. 摔倒,使翻倒;(將船等)沖上(暗礁等);(馬)把…摔下來。
3. 匆匆穿上或披上(大衣等) (on; over); 匆匆脫掉 (off); (蛇)蛻(皮)。
4. 伸(四肢),挺(胸)仰(首),揮(拳)。
5. 使挨(罵等)。
6. 丟棄,放棄;擺脫;發出,射出(光線等);發射(炮彈等)。
7. 出(紙牌),擲(骰子)。
8. (家畜)產仔。
9. 捻(生絲);旋制陶坯。
10. 突然變動(身體的一部分姿勢);轉動,推動,打開,關閉(離合器等機件)。
11. 推(入某狀態),使陷於,使…化。
12. 〈美國〉故意輸掉(比賽等)。
13. 〈俚語〉開辦,舉行(舞會等)。
vi. 不及物動詞 扔,摔,投,擲 (at); 投球,扔球;擲骰子。
Who threw a stone over the fence 是誰把塊石頭扔過籬笆的? At last I threw Tony to the ground. 我終于把湯尼摔倒在地上。
Knowing it was late, he threw on his overcoat and went to school. 他曉得晚了,匆忙地穿上大衣上學去了。
Take care! Fish is able to throw the hook. 當心!魚兒是能掙脫魚鉤的。
The engineer's advice threw light on the scheme. 工程師的意見有助於我們對計劃的理解。
You'll have to throw your chests out when marching in parade. 在遊行時要挺起胸來。
The door was thrown open. 名詞 門突然大開。
The country has been thrown into an upheaval. 這個國家已經陷入動亂之中。
Don't throw off your own responsibili-ty. 不要把你的職責卸脫了。
This kind of watch has been thrown out of the market. 這種表已被排擠出市場外了。
The ship was thrown on the coast. 那艘船被(浪)打到岸上去了。
be thrown into confusion 陷入混亂。
throw a fit 〈美國〉狂怒。
throw a monkey wrench into the transmission 〈美俚〉妨礙;干涉;破壞。
throw a party 〈美口〉舉行舞會。
throw sb. into the shade 使相形見絀。
throw a scare into 〈美國〉威脅;嚇壞。
throw a veil over 掩蔽,遮蔽,隱藏。
throw a vote 投票。
throw about 到處拋扔;揮舞(手臂);使…回轉(throw money about 揮金如土。
throw one's arms about 揮舞手臂)。
throw away 拋棄;白費,浪費 (upon); 拒絕(勸告);失去(機會)(Kindness is thrown away upon him. 對他好是白費)。
throw back 1. 使後退,拒絕。
2. 反射。
3. 拉回,阻止。
4. 【遺傳】呈返祖現象。
throw by 廢棄,拋棄。
throw cold water on 潑冷水,打擊別人的熱情。
throw down 1. 摔倒,打倒,推翻,拆毀。
2. 扔下,貶;使沉澱;〈俚語〉拒絕(throw down one's arms 放下武器,投降,屈服。
throw down one's brief (律師)拒絕接受案件。
throw down one's tools 丟下工具罷工)。
throw for large stakes 下大注。
throw good money after bad 想撈回損失而損失更大。
throw in 1. 投入,扔進。
2. 發邊界球。
3. 注入;插入;使(齒輪等)咬合,接合;【電學】接通;添加(throw in a word 插嘴)。
throw in one's hand 丟棄(不要的牌);(從爭執中)抽身。
throw into 使熱烈從事,使投身於,使專門從事。
throw into shape 使具雛形;整理。
throw into the bargain 添加,再加。
throw it with 〈美國〉和某人合夥做。
throw light on (a matter) 說明,弄明白。
throw off 1. 拋棄,丟棄。
2. 脫掉(衣服)。
3. 擺脫(習慣、拘束等)。
4. 切斷(電路等)。
5. 推翻。
6. 一氣寫成,即席作成(詩等)。
7. 甩掉,脫離(追蹤者等)。
8. 開始,(獵狗)開始出獵,跳出,咬起來。
throw sb. off his guard 使(某人)不留心。
throw oneself at the head of 公然表示親熱〈指女性對男性〉;(不得體地)竭力討好。
throw oneself down 躺下。
throw oneself into 開始熱心做(某事),起勁地投身於某事(You must throw yourself eagerly into the work. 你必須熱誠地、竭力地投入工作)。
throw oneself into the arms of 投入…懷抱;成為…的妻子。
throw oneself (up)on 依靠;求助於;完全依賴于;猛撲,突襲。
throw one's hat into the ring 〈美俚〉加入比賽,參加競爭。
throw open 推開;猛然打開;開放 (to) (throw open the door to 使…成為可能,打開…的門路)。
throw out 1. 投出,扔出。
2. 派出。
3. 突出。
4. 增建(側房)。
5. 發出(熱、光等)。
6. 萌(芽等)。
7. 逐出,攆出。
8. 顯示。
9. 轉彎抹角地說。
10. 拒絕;否決(議案)。
11. 跑過(人)。
12. 【棒球】使出局。
13. 使(離合器等)分離,脫開。
throw out of work 使失業。
throw over 1. 拋棄(難友等);放棄,毀棄(合同等)。
2. 轉換,變換。
throw together (artificially) (勉強)湊成,(勉強或偶然)湊集。
throw up 1. 拋上,舉起,抬起,推上(窗)。
2. 急造。
3. 丟棄,辭(職等)。
4. 嘔吐。
5. 使顯眼(throw up one's arms 舉起雙手;投降。
throw one's eyes up 抬起眼睛;因恐怖或驚呆睜大眼睛)。
throw up one's toenails 〈美國〉劇烈[大量]嘔吐。
n. 名詞 1. 扔,丟,摔,投,擲,拋。
2. 投距,射程。
3. (銀幕,擴音器等的)距離。
4. 投球。
5. (摔跤中)將對方摔倒(的方法)。
6. 擲骰;擲出的點數。
7. 冒險。
8. (女用)圍巾。
9. (沙發,臥床等的)罩單。
10. (釣魚)投釣絲。
11. 【機械工程】沖程;行程;擺度。
12. (陶工的)車床,鏇床。
13. 【地質學;地理學】斷層垂直位移,落差。
14. 【測】沖擲(幅)。
n. 名詞 -er 噴射器。

  1. In studies, " pay as you throw " fees are " the most likely to change household behavior patterns, " according to the acrr

  2. When you see a thief, you join with him ; you throw in your lot with adulterers

  3. If you throw a handful of straw into a river, some of it stays afloat even in a rapids.

  4. The cowboy tried to throw a lasso but the rope ran afoul of a branch

  5. He throw the letter after the circulars.

  6. You can throw in some engineer / apcs

    你可以夾雜建造一些工程師/ apc 。
  7. She wanted to throw herself into his arms.

  8. Roger clemens went home to houston and isn ' t slated to return to the yankees ' minor league complex until monday when he is scheduled to throw a simulated game in order to test his balky left hamstring

  9. A low and fast throw made to put a base runner out

  10. Kids like to throw these around in their bathtub

  11. There are students who think, " 15 a throw, twice a week, good beer money ", older men with perhaps more altruistic motives and, of course, egotists who, before limits were put on the number of sperm donations, seemed keen on hundreds of " mini ? me ' s " running around

    有些學生覺得: 「每次15磅,一周兩次,用來買酒喝挺不錯。 」年紀較大的人也許會有更為利他的想法。當然,在捐精次數受到限制以前也有一些利己主義者似乎熱衷於創造出成百上千個「小我」 。
  12. " deadly throw " : this ability will now damage hunters and their pets when they are affected by " the beast within " or " bestial wrath "

  13. I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps.

  14. The throw of the crankshaft, i. e. the distance between the main journal and the big end centers, controls the length of the stroke

  15. Whenever my friends and i ran the smallest rapid, we d leave one boater at the end of the rapid and put two boaters on the banks with throw ropes

  16. The subject is a limelight. but it felt wonderful to throw a boomerang

  17. He had the bouncers throw them out of the club

  18. " throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbour. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover.

  19. Don ' t throw tea leaves down the sink ; you ' ll bung it up

  20. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. the plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet.
