usurper 中文意思是什麼

usurper 解釋
  1. He easily concluded that the pauper lad, tom canty, had deliberately taken advantage of his stupendous opportunity and become a usurper

  2. He easily concluded that the pauper lad, tom canty, had deliberately taken advantage of his stupendous opportunity and become a usurper.

  3. The usurper wrested the power from the king.

  4. " the usurper landed in france, near antibes, in the gulf of juan, two hundred and fifty leagues from paris, on the 1st of march, and you only acquired this information to - day, the 4th of march

  5. The usurper wrested the power from the king

  6. Ran, a woman with a stern, forbidding eye, though still noble and distinguished in appearance, despite her fifty years - " ah, these revolutionists, who have driven us from those very possessions they afterwards purchased for a mere trifle during the reign of terror, would be compelled to own, were they here, that all true devotion was on our side, since we were content to follow the fortunes of a falling monarch, while they, on the contrary, made their fortune by worshipping the rising sun ; yes, yes, they could not help admitting that the king, for whom we sacrificed rank, wealth, and station was truly our louis the well - beloved, while their wretched usurper his been, and ever will be, to them their evil genius, their napoleon the accursed

    聖梅朗侯爵夫人有著一對嚴厲而令人憎惡的眼睛,雖然是已有五十歲了但看上去仍有貴族氣派,她說: 「那些革命黨人,他們不僅趕走我們,還搶走我們的財產,到后來在恐怖時期卻只賣了一點點錢。他們如果在這兒,就不得不承認,真正的信仰還是站在我們這一邊的,因為我們自願追隨一個沒落的王朝的命運,而他們卻恰恰相反,他們只知道對一個初升的朝陽頂禮膜拜,是的,是的,我們不得不承認:我們為之犧牲了官位財富的這位國王,才真正是我們萬民愛戴的路易,而他們那個篡權奪位者卻永遠只是個被人詛咒的該死的拿破崙。
  7. You know bilibin, hes a very clever fellow ; he suggested addressing it, to the usurper and enemy of the human race, dolgorukov chuckled merrily

    「您可認識比利賓,他是個十分聰明的人,他建議這樣稱呼收件人:篡奪王位者和人類的公敵。 」
  8. And the emperor alexander, she said with the pathetic note that always accompanied all her references to the imperial family, has declared his intention of leaving it to the french themselves to choose their own form of government. and i imagine there is no doubt that the whole nation, delivered from the usurper, would fling itself into the arms of its lawful king, said anna pavlovna, trying to be agreeable to an

    「亞歷山大皇帝宣稱, 」她懷有一談起皇室就會流露的憂郁心情說, 「他讓法國人自己選擇政體形式,我深信,毫無疑義,只要解脫篡奪王位的賊寇的羈絆,舉國上下立刻會掌握在合法的國王手上。 」
  9. The usurper took power by force

  10. S, mate of the ship pharaon, this day arrived from smyrna, after having touched at naples and porto - ferrajo, has been the bearer of a letter from murat to the usurper, and again taken charge of another letter from the usurper to the bonapartist club in paris

  11. " sire, " said villefort, " the usurper is detested in the south ; and it seems to me that if he ventured into the south, it would be easy to raise languedoc and provence against him.

    「陛下, 」維爾福說: 「逆賊在南方是遭人憎恨的,假如他想在那兒冒險,我們就很容易發動郎格多克和普羅旺斯兩省的民眾起來反對他。 」
  12. I consider this woman as the usurper of my property

  13. " have you served under the usurper ?

    「你有沒有在逆賊手下服務過? 」
  14. A soldier of the usurper, then

  15. " you rely on the usurper s return ?

    「您是在指望逆賊復位嗎? 」
  16. They are sending ambassadors to congratulate the usurper

  17. " say this to him : sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in france, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army ; he whom in paris you call the corsican ogre, who at nevers is styled the usurper, is already saluted as bonaparte at lyons, and emperor at grenoble

  18. " the king s attorney is informed by a friend to the throne and religion that one edmond dant s, second in command on board the pharaon, this day arrived from smyrna, after having touched at naples and porto - ferrajo, is the bearer of a letter from murat to the usurper, and of another letter from the usurper to the bonapartist club in paris

    美塞苔絲驚恐萬分地讀下去: 「閣下,敝人系擁護王室及教地之人士,茲報告檢察官,有愛德蒙唐太斯其人,系法老號之人副,今晨從士麥拿經那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠費拉約港。
  19. " well, well, dandr, " said louis xviii., " blacas is not yet convinced ; let us proceed, therefore, to the usurper s conversion.

    「喂,唐德雷, 」路易十八說, 「勃拉卡斯還是不相信,再講一點逆賊的轉變給他聽聽。 」
  20. " sire, it was impossible to learn ; the despatch simply stated the fact of the landing and the route taken by the usurper.

    「陛下,這是沒法知道的,快報上只提到了登陸和逆賊所走的路線。 」