vikings 中文意思是什麼

vikings 解釋
  1. Make sure that on random map at least one player picks one of the naval civilizations ( vikings, byzantines, saracens )

    在隨機地圖中,至少要確定有一個隊友使用的是善於海戰的文明(維京、拜占庭、撒拉遜) 。
  2. Did the vikings anticipate columbus in discovering america ?

  3. In olden days the coasts of england were harassed by the vikings again and again.

  4. The danes also hold an annual celebration of somewhat less genteel ancestors ? the marauding vikings

    同時丹麥人也為他們不那麼體面的老祖先? ?維京海盜們舉行著一年一度的慶典。
  5. Vikings feather shuttlecock competition introduction

  6. Vikings feather shuttlecock competition games

  7. 4455 vikings feather shuttlecock competition games

  8. Vikings feather shuttlecock competition games - 4455 miniclip games

    機器貓之羽毽大賽小游戲- 4399小游戲
  9. Vikings feather shuttlecock competition

  10. At supper the men eat like vikings.

  11. The vikings used to harry the english coast

  12. Following the defeat of the vikings by brian boru, the high king of ireland, at clontarf in 1014, the viking influence faded

    1014年斯堪的納維亞人在克隆塔夫( clontarf )被愛爾蘭王布萊恩博茹( brian boru )打敗,此後斯堪的納維亞人的影響逐漸消退。
  13. Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain

  14. Latvia s own seafarers, often refered to as the vikings from the western coastland of courland, were so feared in denmark that danish churchgoers would pray to god each sunday to protect them from pestilence and the dreaded cours

    拉脫維亞的本土水手,通常被稱為來自庫爾蘭( courland )西部海岸的海盜,在丹麥如此聲名狼藉,丹麥人每周日去教堂要祈求上帝保佑他們不受「瘟疫和可怕的庫爾( cour )人」的淫虐。
  15. Released in 2005, this canadian art film was made in iceland, starred scottish actor gerard butler as beowulf, and was directed by sturla gunnarsson, a canadian descendant of vikings

  16. Then, early in this season ' s pro football playoffs, minnesota vikings wide receiver randy moss taunted the green bay packers crowd ? he made - believe he was pulling down his pants and then wagged his booty at the fans

  17. Many vikings stayed and established settlements in the western part of today s latvia

  18. Long ago, the scandinavian vikings sailed up the same river daugava that today runs through riga to get to constantinople

  19. The vikings were known to create maps for certain stars,

  20. Lesser challenges probably drove the vikings out of greenland during the most recent cold snap, called the little ice age, which started around a. d. 1400 and lasted 500 years
