walkup 中文意思是什麼

walkup 解釋
  1. A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of manchester was presented yesterday to his majesty the alaki of abeakuta by gold stick in waiting, lord walkup on eggs, to tender to his majesty the heartfelt thanks of british traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions

    「昨日曼徹斯特棉紗業巨頭一行,在金杖侍衛沃爾克普翁埃各斯」 515的沃爾克普勛爵陪同下,前往謁見阿貝庫塔的阿拉基516陛下,並為在陛下之領土上對英國商賈所提供之便利,致以衷心謝悃。