wilks 中文意思是什麼

wilks 解釋
  1. Iszard and wilks used a differential technique to study the surface coating on cellophane.

  2. If they have, won t the complices get away with that bag of gold peter wilks left

  3. Is there anybody here that helped to lay out my br - helped to lay out the late peter wilks for burying ?

    在場的有沒有誰幫忙裝殮我哥已故的彼得威爾克斯? 」
  4. " well, it beats me - and snaked a lot of old letters out of his pocket, and examined them, and then examined the old man s writing, and then them again ; and then says : " these old letters is from harvey wilks ; and here s these two handwritings, and anybody can see they didn t write them " the king and the duke looked sold and foolish, i tell you, to see how the lawyer had took them in, " and here s this old gentleman s hand writing, and anybody can tell, easy enough, he didn t write them - fact is, the scratches he makes ain t properly writing at all

    律師顯得大吃一驚的樣子,並且說: 「啊,這下子可把我難倒了」一邊從他口袋裡掏出一疊子舊的信件來,並且細細地看,隨后仔細地看了老頭的筆跡,然後又細細看了舊信,接著開了腔: 「這些舊信是哈維威爾克斯寄來的。這里還有那兩個人的筆跡,誰都能看得一清二楚,這些信可不是他們寫的。我對你們說,國王和公爵露出了這樣的神色:上當了,被作弄了,知道是律師對他們設下了圈套。
  5. Was there any such mark on peter wilks breast ?

    在彼得威爾克斯的胸口可有這樣的標記么? 」
  6. It s the worst imitation i ever heard. you peter wilks s brother

  7. " kin any of you gentlemen tell me wher mr. peter wilks lives ?

    國王說: 「你們哪一位先生能告訴我彼得威爾克斯先生住哪裡? 」
  8. Mary jane wilks, you know me for your friend, and for your unselfish friend, too

  9. Here s your two sets o heirs to old peter wilks - and you pays your money and you takes your choice !

    老彼得威爾克斯家,如今有了兩套繼承的人馬啦你們只要掏出錢來,押哪一家,盡你們挑! 」
  10. The young fellow says : " when i first see you i says to myself, it s mr. wilks, sure, and he come mighty near getting here in time

    年輕人說: 「我一看見你,就對我自個兒說,準是威爾克斯先生,肯定是的,他剛剛差一步,沒有能準時到達。
  11. And when the king got done this husky up and says : " say, looky here ; if you are harvey wilks, when d you come to this town ?

    國王的話剛說完,這位粗壯大漢就挺直了身子說道: 「喂,聽我說,如果你是哈維威爾克斯,那你是什麼時候到這個鎮上來的? 」