兵法 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [bīng]
兵法 英文
warcraft; art of war; military strategy and tactics
  • : 名詞1 (武器) arms; weapons 2 (軍人) soldier 3 (軍隊) army; troops 4 (軍隊中的最基層成員) ...
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (由國家制定或認可的行為規則的總稱) law 2 (方法; 方式) way; method; mode; means 3 (標...
  1. Sun tzu on art of war is referred to as the " guide to modem business war " in business circles

    摘要《孫子兵法》被商界稱為「現代商戰中的指南」 。
  2. Chinese people have created effulgent culture and rich manage thought in thousands of years. both " military science of mr sun " and other classical chinese theories all contain valuable manage thought

    幾千年來,中華民族創造了光輝燦爛的文化,也創造了豐富的管理思想,無論是《孫子兵法》 ,還是諸子百家學說,都蘊涵著閃閃發光的管理學思想。
  3. At last, from historical and theoretical layers, the author analyses the reason why hexagram shi could affect the thought of sun zi bing fa

  4. There are five aspects showing strategic psychology through chapter 13 : supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy ' s resistance without fighting ; know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat ; all war is based on deception ; craftiness and trickery ; artistic features of development and application of strategic psychology of fighting

    縱觀《孫子》兵法十三篇,其謀略心理思想集中表現在五個方面上,即「不戰而屈人之」的謀略心理戰觀念; 「知己知彼,百戰不殆」的謀略認知心理規律; 「廟算而戰」的謀略思維運籌思想; 「權詐」與「詭道」的謀略戰術心理方;形成與應用抗爭心理謀略的藝術性特點。
  5. The bamboo slips of " sun zi military science " and " sunbin military science " were unearthed here in yinqueshan han tomb group, which is among the top - 10 greatest discoveries after 1949

  6. Mr shum yat - fei shared his valuable views on the " art of sun tsz " in relation to human resources management with the participants

  7. On the fiercely competitive battlefield of business, managers must learn how to use its quintessence to ensure long - term success in management, paying attention to helping others, good faith, thrifty and modesty ; in personnel, selecting suitable men and exploiting the situation, regarding one ' s men as infants, and being discriminating in rewards and punishments ; in strategy, making calculations in the temple before the battle is fought, subduing the enemy without fighting, and achieving complete gains without wearing out the troops ; and in conceptions, using the normal force to engage and using the extraordinary to win

  8. But once the retreat was over, it became calm and clear. my mother truly experienced the strategy and tactics of a saint and maya

  9. Serious students of the art of war have been studying the future wars

  10. It ' s book on military strategy

  11. Taking the application of art of war in sanda sports as the breakthroughs, this paper studied functions of resourcefulness in the sanda sports and talent training

  12. The story started with a pair of super weapons in which a powerful kung fu secret and an important army strategy were embedded. everybody fought for the weapons and wished to be the conquerror. during a series of fighting, cheung s parents were killed

  13. The chinese strategic culture is formed by confucian ? centrism and seven books of “ arts of war ” leading by sun ? tzu : war of preparation, war of cautiousness, war of justice, war of defense, strategic thoughts, basic spirits for peace and self ? defense, which bred the traditional cultural and military thoughts of chinese people

  14. The world is a better place to live in because it contains human beings who will give up ease and security and stake their own lives in order to do what they themselves think worth doing

    《孫子兵法》 、 《孫臏兵法》同時出土,證實司馬遷在《史記》中有關孫武、孫臏的記載是完全正確的,證明歷史上的確存在過孫武、孫臏兩個人,他們各有書傳世。
  15. There are some 300 interesting sites and 140 cultural relic protection units in the city. the bamboo slips of " sun zi military science " and " sunbin military science " were unearthed here in yinqueshan han tomb group, which is among the top - 10 greatest discoveries after 1949

    市內名勝古跡300餘處,僅省級以上重點文物保護單位就有140餘個。市區銀雀山漢墓群出土的《孫子兵法》 、 《孫臏兵法》竹筒為建國后全國十大考古發現之一。
  16. This book is about famous the art of war of sunzi and the art of war of sun bin, which provides readers with the enjoyment of reading chinese famous art of war in english

  17. The art of war is an important military affairs work by sun wu

  18. Strategy cost management is new for the field of management cost in china. the thesis discusses the foundation of theory of strategy cost management in details including the concept, the theory, the contents, the characteristic, and procedure of strategy cost management. according to the traditional thoughts of strategy management in " art of war ", the thesis focuses on the objective of strategy cost management - - hunting the cost advantages in competition, and draws out a system of strategy cost management by four sections of the culture of hotel cost, the environment of hotel operation and management, hotel human resources investment, and hotel organization and managing policies

    在國內,戰略成本管理是近幾年剛剛興起的新興管理會計領域,本論文詳細論述了有關戰略成本管理的理論基礎:戰略成本管理的概念、原理、內容、特點及其程序,進而從孫子兵法的戰略管理思想中受到啟迪,圍繞飯店戰略成本管理的目標? ?尋求成本優勢,從「道」 ? ?飯店成本文化、 「天」與「地」 ? ?飯店經營環境、 「人」 ? ?飯店人力資本與人力資本投資、 「」 ? ?飯店組織結構及管理制度和方等四個方面構建了我國飯店的戰略成本管理體系。
  19. Comparative study between military science of sun tzu and thirty - six strategies

  20. Cases of remedy strategy of chinese medicine and thirty - six stratagems
