
中文拼音 []
名詞1. (年老的婦女) old woman2. (舊時指從事某些職業的婦女) a woman in a certain occupation 3. (丈夫的母親) husband's mother; mother-in-law
  1. Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions

  2. Your great - aunt adelaide is coming for tea today

  3. Money ? what money ? - our great - aunt adelaide ' s money

    錢?什麼錢? -阿德萊德姑給的錢
  4. - money ? what money ? - our great - aunt adelaide ' s money

    -錢?什麼錢? -阿德萊德姑給的錢
  5. But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore

  6. " but come here, you sons of a sorceress, offspring of an adulterer and a prostitute

    賽57 : 3你們這些巫的兒子、姦夫和妓女的種子、都要前來。
  7. ' but you - come here, you sons of a sorceress, you offspring of adulterers and prostitutes

    3 [和合]你們這些巫的兒4子,姦夫和妓女的種子,都要前來。
  8. [ niv ] ' but you - come here, you sons of a sorceress, you offspring of adulterers and prostitutes

    3 [和合]你們這些巫的兒4子,姦夫和妓女的種子,都要前來。
  9. He never once took the name of the lord his god in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbor's ass.

  10. I need to bring my partner amir somewhere amazing for our anniversary

  11. The british army used these amphibious crafts in military operations in borneo.

  12. The old woman who died was one destined to feed animal life.

  13. Bhavavarman did not annex funan.

  14. As an 85-year-old woman, i was apprehensive.

  15. The general opinion was that pierre was tied to his wifes apron strings, and it really was so

  16. Had pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam s hand in argos or julius caesar not been knifed to death ? they are not to be thought away

    倘若皮勒斯並未在阿爾戈斯喪命於一個老太手下15 ,或是尤利烏斯愷撒不曾被短劍刺死16呢?
  17. He dressed in the picturesque costume worn upon grand occasions by the inhabitants of the south of france, bearing equal resemblance to the style adopted both by the catalans and andalusians ; while la carconte displayed the charming fashion prevalent among the women of arles, a mode of attire borrowed equally from greece and arabia

  18. The cherishing and training of some trees ; the cautious pruning of others ; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage ; the introduction of a green slope of velvet turf ; the partial opening to a peep of blue distance, or silver gleam of water ; ? all these are managed with a delicate tact, a pervading yet quiet assiduity, like the magic touchings with which a painter finishes up a favorite picture

    欹斜之樹須正,修枝去葉,刪繁就簡,所得可謂奉若至寶;枝葉娑,花葉相映,令人賞心悅目;坡草青青,宛若天鵝絨地毯,光滑細膩;茂林之中偶露一隙,遠處藍天隱約可見,或現一池春水,碧波蕩漾? ?凡此種種,皆為人工造化,潤物無聲,猶如畫師當其畫稿殺青之際得一神來之筆,渾然天成。
  19. They all speak to the realization of the atman as being nothing other than the infinite brahman

  20. It also utilizes the brahman / atman terminology and concepts that are found in the upanishads, thus breaking from the samkhya school by adopting concepts of vedantic monism
