孔斯 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [kǒng]
孔斯 英文
  • : Ⅰ名詞(古代驅疫時用的面具) an ancient maskⅡ形容詞[書面語] (醜陋) ugly
  1. Gentlemen, says one, you know that the tabor bridge has been mined and countermined, and is protected by a formidable fortification and fifteen thousand troops, who have orders to blow up the bridge and not to let us pass. but our gracious emperor napoleon will be pleased if we take the bridge

    「博爾孔斯基,您不知道, 」比利賓把臉轉向安德烈公爵說道, 「法國軍隊的諸多可怖我險些兒說成俄國軍隊比起這個人在女人中間乾的勾當來是算不了一回事的。 」
  2. Of tactical science, destined to overthrow napoleonthat that camp was a senseless absurdity that would lead to the destruction of the russian army. prince andrey arrived at bennigsens quarters, a small manor - house on the very bank of the river. neither bennigsen nor the tsar was there ; but tchernishev, the tsars aide - de - camp, received bolkonsky, and informed him that the tsar had set off with general bennigsen and marchese paulucci to make his second inspection that day of the fortifications of the drissa camp, of the utility of which they were beginning to entertain grave doubts

  3. On receiving this communication, the tsar sent prince volkonsky with the following rescript to kutuzov

  4. In 1812, when the news of the war with napoleon reached bucharest where kutuzov had been fourteen months, spending days and nights together with his wallachian mistress, prince andrey asked to be transferred to the western army. kutuzov, who was by now sick of bolkonskys energy, and felt it a standing reproach to his sloth, was very ready to let him go, and gave him a commission for barclay de tolly

  5. To be sure, we rode there almost together, said the staff - officer, smiling affably to bolkonsky

  6. He was so glad that i was free to refuse him. sonya sighed dejectedly. but you havent refused bolkonsky, have you ? she said

    當他知道拒絕博爾孔斯基這件事以我為轉移時,他感到非常高興。 」
  7. She was even - tempered, serene, and quite as light - hearted as ever. this made nikolay wonder, and look on the engagement to bolkonsky rather sceptically

  8. In a word, these gentlemennot gascons for nothingso bewilder auersperg with fair wordshe is so flattered at this speedy intimacy with french marshals, so dazzled by the spectacle of their cloaks, and of the ostrich feathers of muratthat their fire gets into his eyes and makes him forget that he ought to be firing on the enemy in spite of the interest of his story, bilibin did not omit to pause after this

    「喂,諸位,原來是這么回事, 」比利賓說道, 「無論在這棟屋裡,還是在布呂恩,博爾孔斯基總是我的客人,我要盡可能讓他飽嘗一番本地生活上的樂趣。如果在維也納,那是容易辦到的事。
  9. Prince andrey looked inquiringly at him and made no reply. why are you going

  10. When after service they were drinking coffee in the drawing - room, where the covers had been removed from the furniture, the servant announced that the carriage was ready, and marya dmitryevna, dressed in her best shawl in which she paid calls, rose with a stern air, and announced that she was going to call on prince nikolay andreitch bolkonsky to ask for an explanation of his conduct about natasha

  11. Bolkonsky and denisov moved up to the gate, where there stood a knot of soldiers a guard of honour, and they saw kutuzov coming down the street mounted on a low bay horse

  12. Beside him was his comrade nesvitsky, a tall staff - officer, excessively stout, with a good - natured, smiling, handsome face, and moist eyes. nesvitsky could hardly suppress his mirth, which was excited by a swarthy officer of hussars walking near him. this officer, without a smile or a change in the expression of his fixed eyes, was staring with a serious face at the commanding officers back, and mimicking every movement he made

  13. Prince bolkonsky was a very handsome young man, of medium height, with clear, clean - cut features

  14. As prince andrey said this he was less than ever like the bolkonsky who had sat lolling in anna pavlovnas drawing - room with half - closed eyelids, filtering french phrases through his teeth. his dry face was quivering with nervous excitement in every muscle ; his eyes, which had seemed lustreless and lifeless, now gleamed with a full, vivid light

  15. The young princess bolkonsky was there, celebrated as the most seductive woman in petersburg. she had been married the previous winter, and was not now going out into the great world on account of her interesting condition, but was still to be seen at small parties

    知名的年輕的身材矮小的叫做博爾孔斯卡婭的公爵夫人, lafemmelaplussduisantedeptersbourg ,也來赴會了她于去冬出閣,因為懷胎,眼下不能躋身於稠人廣眾的交際場所,但仍舊出席小型晚會。
  16. I am sending herewith staff - general prince volkonsky, to ascertain from you the position of the army and of the causes that have led you to so melancholy a decision

    我派侍從將軍沃爾孔斯基公爵送去此份詔書,向您聽取軍隊的情況和促使您採取如此可悲決定的理由。 」
  17. Though he did not want to remind the rostovs of bolkonskys existence, pierre could not resist the inclination to rejoice their hearts with the news of their sons decoration. keeping the tsars appeal, rastoptchins placard, and the other announcement to bring with him at dinner - time, pierre sent the printed announcement and nikolays letter to the rostovs

  18. He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of olmtz, where bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad. but there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine, grey eyes, and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble - hearted, guileless youth

  19. Pfuhl merely snorted contemptuously and turned his back to indicate that he would never stoop to reply to the rubbish he was hearing. but when prince volkonsky, who presided over the debate, called upon him to give his opinion, he simply said : why ask me

  20. This letter had not yet been given to the tsar, when barclay, at dinner one day, informed bolkonsky that his majesty would be graciously pleased to see prince andrey in person, to ask him some questions about turkey, and that prince andrey was to present himself at bennigsens quarters at six oclock in the evening
