
中文拼音 [xiāo]
名詞(夜) night
  1. Granny would prepare a lunch for the all-night praying session.

  2. The negotiators seemed punch-drunk after another all-night session.

  3. The place was an all-night cafe owned by a bitter and stingy man called leo.

  4. Granny made it imperative, however, that i attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings.

  5. Have no time for finish his cup, monk yue - chu saluted to shi yuan - de with fists holding in front of his chest, then to disembark from the tern, avoid meeting the “ mangy dog ”, and went to neighboring village to spend the night at another familiar almsgiver

    悅楚和尚來不及將碗中酒喝乾,乘禁時間未到,對施元德把手一拱,從船尾上岸,避開「癩皮狗」 ,徑向近村熟識的施主家借宿去了。
  6. Supper buffet at astor caf, provides a wide variety of hot and cold delights, is available from 10 : 00pm to 12 : 30am daily

  7. He was raving all night about a black panther, stephen said. where is his guncase ? - a woful lunatic, mulligan said

    「他整都在說著關於一只什麼黑豹的夢話, 」斯蒂芬說, 「他的獵槍套在哪兒? 」
  8. On one occasion, to experience the real thing, he stood all night in a blizzard in order to write the story "men in the storm".

  9. In my opinion, sun probably took this approach so that someone couldn t walk off with the javamail reference implementation that had many developers working on it transcribing public domain rfcs until the early hours of the morning and make boatloads of cash with it

    我認為, sun採取這種方法的目的很可能是使其他人無法竊取javamail參考實現(曾有許多開發人員通達旦地將其轉錄到不受版權限制的rfc中)並籍此謀利。
  10. A good butler knows just how to rouse one after a boozy night and now anyone can wake feeling pampered to the indulgent tones of the consummate valet

  11. There are many salt pans, fish farms, brushwood and gullies

  12. There's just a child that has to be born, the by-product of good nights in milan.

  13. Kozlovskys face was careworn ; he too looked as if he had not slept all night

  14. It is nice to have friends to come from afar. so, uphold gold cups and carouse tonight. you are sincerely welcomed

    有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎… …高舉金杯,暢飲今吧,騰格里塔拉盛情恭候您的光臨。
  15. Charming chinese lanterns this is the sixth joint issue by hongkong post, china post and macao post

  16. In celebration of the chinese lantern festival, lanterns with riddles were posted at all 3 learning centres for students to answer

  17. The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the chinese lantern festival because the first lunar month is called yuan - month and in the ancient times people called night xiao

    每年農歷的正月十五日,春節剛過,迎來的就是中國的傳統節日- -元節.正月是農歷的元月,古人稱夜為「」 ,所以稱正月十五為元節。
  18. These include varied programmes of the annual international children s arts festival, the thematic arts festival held in alternate years, celebrations on traditional festivals including mid - autumn festivals, national day, new year day and chinese lantern festival held annually

  19. Teams will also employ different skills such as hearing the owls or nightjar churring during mid - night to record bird species

  20. No one walked in the street, for the curfew was strict.
