
中文拼音 [āi]
挨動詞1. (遭受; 忍受) suffer; endure 2. (困難地度過) drag out; wait 3. (拖延) delay; play for time; stall; dawdle
  1. Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed

    「那你判我活著受罪,死了罵嗎? 」
  2. My dear kitty told me today that she would dance in a deluge before ever she would starve in such an ark of salvation for, as she reminded me blushing piquantly and whispering in my ear though there was none to snap her words but giddy butterflies, dame nature, by the divine blessing, has implanted it in our heart and it has become a household word that il y a deux choses for which the innocence of our original garb, in other circumstances a breach of the proprieties, is the fittest nay, the only, garment

    吾之情婦基蒂今日相告,伊情願舞于洪水中,亦不願在救命方舟中餓。何耶?伊對予傾訴雲此時,盡管除翩翩起舞之蝴蝶,絕無偷聽者,伊依然臉色紅漲,附耳低語:吾曹生就無垢之肌膚,換個情況必將導致破壞禮儀,然而在二種場合下180 ,會成為唯一之可身衣裳。
  3. The others struggled across the river.

  4. Finally, after an awkward moment, mrs. ching said in a silken voice, "i thought your son ah chow already had a wife. "

  5. He, bloom, enjoyed the distinction of being close to erin s uncrowned king in the flesh when the thing occurred in the historic fracas when the fallen leader s - who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery - leader s trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possibly even more than that penetrated into the printing works of the insuppressible or no it was united ireland a by no means, by the by, appropriate appellative and broke up the typecases with hammers or something like that all on account of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of the o brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation, reflecting on the erstwhile tribune s private morals

  6. Models can afford to starve just to stay thin but artistes do not

  7. I would rather go hungry than eat that !

  8. But i always woke and found it an empty mockery ; and i was desolate and abandoned - my life dark, lonely, hopeless - my soul athirst and forbidden to drink - my heart famished and never to be fed. gentle, soft dream, nestling in my arms now, you will fly, too, as your sisters have all fled before you : but kiss me before you go - embrace me, jane

  9. A baton cool protruding. bronzelydia by minagold

  10. He could stand the beatings and he did.

  11. It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees, but alas, one could see in the near distance the chimney of tevershall pit, with its clouds of steam and smoke, and on the damp, hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of tevershall village, a village which began almost at the park gates, and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile : houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles and wilful, blank dreariness

  12. He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness.

  13. She clung to her father, beseeching him for consent.

  14. I sat at home brooding, nursing bodily and spiritual hunger.

  15. Then came a long period of bodily privation, of daily hunger after food.

  16. Nobody ever troubled the bookshelves.

  17. "god told me, " he asserted, brazening it out.

  18. I had steeled myself to brazen it out, though i was trembling inwardly.

  19. You will catch it for breaking that vase.

  20. This is you, who have been as slippery as an eel this last month, and as thorny as a briar - rose
