攻擊加值 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [gōngjiāzhí]
攻擊加值 英文
base atk
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (攻打) attack; assault; take the offensive 2 (指責別人的過錯; 駁斥別人的議論) accuse; ...
  • 攻擊 : 1 (進攻) attack; assault; launch an offensive 2 (惡意指責) attack; accuse; charge; slander; v...
  1. Which for the weakest walker, being the juggernaut, starting at 5000 health, the 2500 health you do get, along with that massive damage it does is well worth the 500 it costs to build your respective engineer / sabatour / assimilator

    即使對于最弱血的機甲,神像,總血量5000 ,占領后那麼你可以得到2500血量的單位,上它的巨大力,絕對得你造工程師所花費的那500塊錢。
  2. Enchanted natural weapons ( sy ) : a bearhound gains a + 1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls with all its uatural weapons

    天生魔化武器( sy ) :熊獵犬在和傷害鑒定上有+ 1的獎勵,這個來源於他天生的魔法武器。
  3. Combat prescience. you gain a + 2 insight bonus on your attack roll

    戰斗遠見:你的擲骰得到+ 2洞察
  4. She also receives a + 2 competence bonus on saving throws against psionic attack modes, which stacks with any bonus granted by raising a psionic defense mode, if any

    他同時在對抗心靈模式的豁免上有+ 2能力,這個可以和心靈防禦模式帶來的累計。
  5. Public - key encryption has a much larger keyspace, or range of possible values for the key, and is therefore less susceptible to exhaustive attacks that try every possible key

    公鑰密具有更大的密鑰空間(或密鑰的可能范圍) ,因此不大容易受到對每個可能密鑰都進行嘗試的窮舉
  6. Granted power : the character has the spell - like ability to inspire allies, giving them a + 2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls

    神授力量:你具有振奮隊友的類法術能力,使他們豁免鑒定,投骰,技能鑒定,以及武器傷害鑒定上獲得+ 2的士氣
  7. Foes gain a + 2 bonus to hit stunned characters

    對被震懾的人物進行可獲得+ 2
  8. The experimental results and attack analysis show that the watermark algorithm is transparent and robust against some image processing operations, such as jpeg lossy compression, median filtering, additive noise, scaling, and incorporating attacks

  9. A touch attack or ranged touch attack bypasses any armor bonus or natural armor bonus

  10. Incorporeal touch attacks bypass armor and natural armor bonuses, except for armor bonuses that come from force effects

  11. Strategic operations ? increases the movement, range, spotting, and strategic attack values of air units

  12. A rage drake normally attacks using its power attack feat, taking a - 5 penalty on its attack rolls and gaining a + 5 bonus on damage rolls

    狂暴龍獸通常會使用猛力專長,在擲骰上受到- 5減並在傷害擲骰上得到+ 5的
  13. The attacker adds the ability modifier to his roll to set the defender ' s will save dc against the attack

  14. At 1st level they receive a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls within 30 feet when using a bow, in addition to the benefits granted by the pointblank shot feat

    第一級起,他們在使用弓箭射30尺內的目標時,除了近程射提供的優勢之外其檢定和傷害額外獲得+ 1
  15. An affected ally receives + 2 on attack rolls, and a + 2 bonus on fortitude saves

    被影響的眾人得到2的攻擊加值, 2強韌豁免。
  16. If the creature also has killer instinct ( attack + 4 against wounded creatures ) and benefits from a commander effect that grants melee attack + 2, the bonuses stack with the spells for a total of + 8 bonus on melee attacks against wounded creatures

    如果該生物還具有殺手本能(對受傷生物時判定+ 4 ) ,以及從指揮官效果獲得近戰判定+ 2 ,上法術效果累積,與受傷生物近戰時判定可一共獲得+ 8的
  17. While in the defensive stance, the warrior gains rage from taking hits

  18. After considering a variety of solutions, we have decided to implement a flat 10 % reduction to bear form ' s base damage ? which keeps the form in line with overall game balance, while resulting in greater damage potential

    考慮到各種解決辦法后,我們決定降低熊形態下10 %的基礎力-以便保持游戲的整體平衡,同時也會增更大可能的傷害
  19. By taking one round to whip up the crew, the raider grants them a + 2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls

    花一輪時間鞭笞其船員,掠襲者能賦予他們+ 2士氣與所有與傷害檢定。
  20. The weapons columns give the total attack bonuses due to class and level and total damage bonuses ( in parentheses )

    武器列按職業和等級給出了總攻擊加值和總傷害(在括號中) 。