果梗 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [guǒgěng]
果梗 英文
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (果子) fruit 2 (事情的結局; 結果) result ; consequence 3 (姓氏) a surname Ⅱ動詞(吃...
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (植物的枝或莖) stalk; stem; stick 2 (細長的木棍或金屬棍) a slender piece of wood or me...
  1. The results showed that they are stemphylium sp, fusella sacc, alternaria sp, fu5ari urn sp, gibberella sp, sphacelia sp, actinomyces, dematium pers

  2. The multiple correlation of coronary calcification and coronary stenosis

  3. No meat was given to the dog even when it refused vegetarian food and it just fasted. three shock treatments later, her puppy developed a very good appetite and now eats almost anything. in addition to its main staple of sweet corn and cheese, it also loves bean sprouts, vegetable stalks, peanuts, pine nuts, guavas, tomatoes, pears, custard apples and other sweet fruits

    11 .原本肉食的動物改為素食時,如遇到任何障礙,你可以循序漸進,逐日減少肉食量,增加其它素食品不過,福爾摩沙永和市的陳小姐則對她的愛犬採取震撼教育法,當它拒食時亦不提供任何肉品,讓它自然斷食,如此反覆三次后,她的小狗便胃口大開,幾乎什麼都吃,除了乳酪玉米等主食外,舉凡芽菜蔬菜花生松子等堅芭樂蕃茄水梨釋迦等各種甜味水無一不愛。
  4. Examination after a barium meal may assist in distinguishing between paralytic ileus and mechanical obstruction but should be avoided if colon obstruction cannot be excluded

  5. If the blood supply is not quickly restored, the bowel will infarct

  6. It seems that just by preventing the infarction from growing and by artificially thickening the heart wall in the infracted area, the graft could have helped prevent the usual remodeling of the ventricle

  7. Since 1980s he has been studying the mechanism of normalization of abnormal blood pressure and the resetting of baroreceptor reflex by acupuncture and somatic nerve stimulation, effects of brain osmoreceptor stimulation on sympathetic nerve discharge and renal activity, the role of vasopressin in body fluid and salt homeostasis, difference in gene expression between hypertensive and normotensive rats, hypertension and cardiac ischemia - induced myocardial remodeling, effect of steroids on the nervous system, etc. with his research achievements, dr. yao was awarded science and technology progress prize sponsored by the state education commission grade a award in 1986, grade b award in 1995 and by the ministry of health grade b award in 1989 and 1993, grade a award of guang - hua science and technology prize 1995, and chinese universities science and technology prize grade b award in 2000

    近二十年來,他主要從事針刺和刺激軀體神經對心血管和腎臟活動的調整作用刺激腦內滲透壓感受器引起的交感神經放電和腎臟活動的改變血管升壓素在心血管活動調節和水鹽平衡中的作用原發性高血壓的相關基因高血壓和心肌死引起的心肌重構甾體激素對神經系統的影響等。他的科研成曾獲得國家教委科技進步獎一等獎一項1986年二等獎一項1995年衛生部醫藥衛生科技進步獎二等獎二項1989 1993年光華科技基金獎一等獎一項1995年中國高校科學技術獎二等獎一項2000年。
  8. Here we found g proteins also function in leaf, silique development and the yield of pollen microspore. we observed several traits or characters in the offsprings of gpal, agbl null mutation and gpa1 overexpression lines and found that the width of mutants " lamina is larger than that of the wild type, whereas the lamina length, petiole length and rosette diameter is smaller than the wild type, the ga overexpression lines is different from the mutants ; the silique length and the pedicel length is larger in mutants than that of wild type, and slightly smaller in overexpression lines than the control ; the morphometric character in silique tip is different in gpal from agbl mutants ; the yield of pollen microspore is larger in null mutants than wild type whereas smaller in overexpression lines

    實驗中我們跟蹤觀察了多代異三聚體g蛋白a亞基超表達轉基因植株及a , p亞基缺失突變體的表型特徵,發現突變體的葉片寬度大於對應的野生型,葉片長度,葉柄長度及蓮座直徑小於野生型,而超表達植株的上述某些特徵與突變體相反; gp時突變體的長角長度,花柄部長度大於野生型,而超表達ga植株種英則略小於對照; gpal突變體長角尖端未出現咭乙i突變體的特徵: gpal ,口gbl突變體花粉生成量大於野生型,而超表達ga植株的花粉生成量則略小於對照。
  9. These findings suggest the hypothesis that fluid displacement to the upper body during recumbency may predispose to pharyngeal obstruction during sleep, especially in fluid oerload states, such as heart and renal failure

  10. Objective : to investigate the method and effect of reserved splenectomy on severe traumatic spleen rupture. methods : 31 cases of severe traumatic spleen rupture were retrospectively analyzed. 6 cases were treated by ligating spleen artery with splenorrhaphy, 13 cases by ligating spleen artery with partial splenectomy, 12 cases by splenectomy with autologals spleen transplantation in epiploon, follow - up of all patients was completed from 1 year to 5years. results : all patients recovered. no patients died from surgical operation. patients could work after operation and the susceptibility to disease didn ' t increase. b supersonic inspection showed that : splenic infarction didn ' t exist in patients treated with binding spleen artery, echo sound was heard from transplanted spleen in patients treated with splenectomy and autologous speen transplantation in epiplom. conclusions : it is feasible for patients with severe traumatic spleen rupture to treat by ligating spleen artery with autologous spleen transplantaion in epiploon, which can efficiently control hemorrhage and maintain the function of spleen. splenectomy with autologous spleen transplatation in epiploon is an efficient method to make up furthur function of spleen after splenectomy

    目的探討嚴重創傷性脾破裂保脾手術治療的方法及效.方法回顧性分析嚴重創傷性脾破裂31例保脾手術治療的臨床資料, 6例行脾動脈結扎+修補縫合術, 13例行脾動脈結扎+部分切除術, 12例行脾切除+大網膜自體脾組織移植術.全部獲得隨訪,隨訪時間1 5年.結本組全部治愈出院,無手術死亡病例.術后均恢復勞動能力,無感染易感性增加, b超檢查提示:脾動脈結扎者無脾死情況,脾切除+大網膜自體脾組織移植者在移植部位可見脾組織回聲波.結論對嚴重創傷性脾破裂病例,行脾動脈結扎+修補縫合或部分切除術是可行的,即能迅速有效地控制脾破裂出血,又能維持脾臟功能.脾切除+大網膜自體脾組織移植術是全脾切除術后彌補脾功能的有效方法
  11. Reveals the objective necessity of the sole existence of absolute reference system 0 : the effect of clock losing and ruler contracting of any material system in motion with respect to 0 is the objective real physical change ( the real effect ) of this material system in motion, and the physical time and space ( the effect of motion ) is the unity of opposites between the external form of relativity correctly described by the special theory of relativity and the absolute internal essence with the objective sole existence of 0 as the basic marking, points out the errors of the general theory of relativity from the results above and the basic facts of gravitational field, and expounds the gravitational field is a real - time hollow field of motion in essence, and the physical time and space is the unity of opposites between mutually perpendicular images of void and real time and space of 4 dimensions each, understanding the absolute essence of the lorenz effect or not is the demarcation line between new and old views of time and space, and sets forth the theoretical gist of the time and space views of unity of opposites and the internal unity among the macroscopic level and straight time and space, the bent time and space in gravitational field, and the superimposed time and space in guantum state

    揭示了絕對參照系0唯一存在的客觀必然性:任何物系相對於0的「運動鐘慢、尺縮效應」 ,都是該運動物系客觀上具有蹬真正的物理變化( 「真實效應」 ) ;進而揭示了物理時空(運動效應)是具有狹義相對論所正確描述了的相對性外部形式和以0客觀上唯一存在為基本標志的絕對性內在本質的對立統一運用上述結和引力場的基本事實,論證了廣義相對論的錯誤;闡明了引力場本質上是一種實時虛空運動場;揭示了物理時空是互為正交映象的虛實各四維時空的對立統一闡明了對洛侖茲效應絕對性本質的認識與否,是新舊時空觀的分水嶺;闡明了對立統一時空觀的理論要和宏觀平直時空、引力場彎曲時空與量子態卷迭時空之間的內在統一性
  12. The seeds of 10 species ( 96 samples ) of the genus schisandra michaux were observed tinder light microscope and scanning election microscope. the results indicate " that : the macroslructural features of seed surface, including smooth type, rugulose type and tuberculate type, may suggest the evolutionary trend from smooth type to rugulose type, from rugulose type to tuberculate type ; the microstructural features of outer epidermis can be divided into two types, viz. verrucate type and reticulate type

    表明:該屬的種子宏觀形態呈現平滑、細皺紋或瘤狀突起,並認為五味子屬種子形態可能有從平滑到有細皺紋再到有瘤狀突起的演化趨勢;該屬種皮表面微觀形態可分為疣狀突起型(如:大花五味子、北五味子、東亞五味子、狹葉五味子、毛葉五味子、翼五味子和二色五味子)和網紋型(如:鐵箍散和重瓣味子) 。
  13. After controlling for age and gender, the team found associations between a smaller ratio of retinal arterioles and venules with mri findings, including prevalent infarcts, worsening white matter grade, and incident infarct

  14. Methods and results ? we estimated the population - attributable risk ( par ) for major mi risk factors among costa ricans without a history of diabetes, hypertension, or regular use of medication ( 889 mi cases, 1167 population - based controls )

    方法和結:我們在既往無糖尿病、高血壓病或未規律藥物治療的哥斯大黎加人中評估主要心危險因素的人群歸因危險度( par ) ( 889例心患者, 1167例配對病例對照) 。
  15. Weihai yufeng fruits and vegetables refrigeration house produced 500 thousand tons of fuji apple, 100 thousand tons of grape, 80 thousand tons of pears, as well as capsicum, common onion, balloonflower, spinach, garlic, chinese cabbage, radish, and peanuts and etc

  16. 7. a method based on the sphere frame character was used to identify the surface defects and stem - end an

    ( 7 )提出了以水空間結構特點識別缺陷與果梗花萼的方法。
  17. In the traditional way, the stem - end can not be ascertained, which would cause measurement error. the new method may overcome this disadvantage

  18. As stem is very small compared with apple, the shape of apple can be segmented if morphology is used, synchronously the stem can be extracted

  19. Quality grading of fruit is an important item in post - harvest handling and marketing, it is mainly performed according to its shape, color, size and various kinds of defects and blemishes

    的品質分級是水產后處理和市場銷售的一個重要環節,主要依據其形狀、顏色、果梗徑(大小) 、各類缺陷等指標進行。
  20. This study mainly developed a research work on the algorithm about the extraction of the apple ' s stem, extraction of the feature of the apple ' s shape, design of artificial neural network classifier based on bp & ga algorithm and segmentation of the bruising part. the algorithms are programmed in visual c + + language

    使用視覺檢測手段,作者主要進行了蘋果梗的分割、形狀特徵提取和基於遺傳演算法和bp演算法和神經網路分類器的設計和表面碰壓傷的分割提取等工作,並使用visualc + +語言進行了編程。