牟尼佛塔 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [móu]
牟尼佛塔 英文
mahamuni paya
  1. Shakyamuni, the historical buddha, had instructed his disciples that after his passing, his body should be cremated and the remains enshrined in a reliquary monument, or stupa, as was the custom with regard to the great leaders of the past in india

  2. The discovery of three ashokan pillars has revealed the native towns of three buddhas, namely : krakuchchand, kanakamuni, and shakyamuni at gotihawa, niglihawa, and lumbini respectively in the south - west terai regions of nepal

  3. A long, long time ago, before the time of shakyamuni buddha, there were seven enlightened saints. one of them was called vipasyin. when vipasyin went into nirvana, his believers built a temple where his relics were worshipped and a statue of him was molded

    好久以前,在釋迦以前還有七位,有一位叫毗婆屍梵文vipasyin ,這位去涅盤以後,信徒們蓋寺廟,放?的舍利在裏面供養,又塑了毗婆屍像。
  4. These travels generated broader recognition of rinpoche s qualities. for example, when visiting kuala lumpur, malaysia, his students requsted that his eminencce lead them in chod practice. his eminence took the group of about 50 people to a cemetery

  5. In september 2004, heavy rain lasting more than 24 hours combined with melting snow from the himalayas caused flash flooding that inundated villages in the north indian state of uttar pradesh, where shakyamuni buddha spent much of his life spreading the dharma

    2004年9月的一場持續24小時以上的豪雨,夾帶著喜馬拉雅山的融雪,侵襲印度北方的烏帕瑞德徐uttar pradesh地區,給釋迦終其半生弘揚法的聖地帶來一場突如其來的水災。