稿 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [gǎo]
稿 英文
名詞1. [書面語] (谷類植物的莖)stalk of grain; straw2. (稿子) draft; sketch 3. (外發公文的草稿) manuscript; original text
  1. Press release : aa note programme tender results

  2. Isn't that the abbreviation for manuscript ?

  3. Press release : hkma urges adb to develop the bond markets in asia

  4. Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document.

  5. Corcoran takes the book to his agent.

  6. The akkadians were semites, that is, they spoke a language drawn from a family of languages called semitic languages ( the term " semite " is a modern designation taken from the hebrew scriptures ; shem was a son of noah and the nations descended from shem are the semites )

    阿卡德人是閃族,他們說的語言是出自一個被叫閃族語系的語種(閃族的這個詞的現代名稱來源於希伯萊語的文稿/舊約經文,閃是諾亞的一個兒子,由閃而來的民族,便被叫做閃族) 。
  7. British embassy beijing - press office - news - uk and china celebrate 35 years of ambassadorial relations

  8. Love amoeba style 1997 mystery files 1996

    金田一手稿之奇異檔案mystery files 1996
  9. He received a reply no doubt produced by analogous procedures.

  10. These guys don ' t want policy pieces anymore

  11. The earliest irish art consists of carvings on megalithic monuments dating from 3500 b. c. celtic art reached its apogee in the manuscripts of the gospels such as the books of durrow and kells

    最早的愛爾蘭藝術包括公元前2500 2000年的巨石紀念碑上的雕刻品,凱爾特藝術在福音書稿里達到了它的巔峰。
  12. The manuscript bears the date 10 april 1937.

  13. An argumentation on wang chuanshan ' s aesthetics thoughts

  14. The harried magazinist appeared as the tragic young aristocrat.

  15. July 1999 originally in armenian by nana stepanian

  16. Compared with the market share of systems adopted by several journals in taiwan, the authors also analyze the aspers process empirically, and concluded the obstacles or opportunities to success remain with a mature submission / refereeing manner and the sufficient contributions for journals

  17. The cherishing and training of some trees ; the cautious pruning of others ; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage ; the introduction of a green slope of velvet turf ; the partial opening to a peep of blue distance, or silver gleam of water ; ? all these are managed with a delicate tact, a pervading yet quiet assiduity, like the magic touchings with which a painter finishes up a favorite picture

    欹斜之樹須正,修枝去葉,刪繁就簡,所得可謂奉若至寶;枝葉婆娑,花葉相映,令人賞心悅目;坡草青青,宛若天鵝絨地毯,光滑細膩;茂林之中偶露一隙,遠處藍天隱約可見,或現一池春水,碧波蕩漾? ?凡此種種,皆為人工造化,潤物無聲,猶如畫師當其畫稿殺青之際得一神來之筆,渾然天成。
  18. He must fill his head first with a thousand questions of authenticity of manuscript, and correctness of translation.

  19. The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt

  20. I must return this manuscript to the author.
