
中文拼音 [sǎn]
糝名詞[方言] (米飯粒兒) rice grain
  1. During the spring and autumn periods, there were oil - fried pastry and steamed pastries such as honey cake, yishi, shenshi made of grounded grains of cereal crops, and junu a ring - shaped oil - fried food

  2. It is in it with and tian sapphire chisel, jade the smooth in quality, it is black to be have order the crushed grains : diameter 7. 6 centimetres, thick 0

  3. Starting somewhere around maryland an invisible line crosses the country : below it grits are considered essential for life, while above it they ' re banned as being unfit for human consumption

  4. Grits look like white, lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall - paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter, salt, and gravy ( especially red - eye gravy, which is made with pan drippings and coffee )

    玉米看上去就像是團塊狀的白色燕麥粥,如果不拌上大量的黃油、鹽和肉汁(尤其是火腿汁,由加蔞葉的烤肉油汁和咖啡製成) ,那味道比貼墻紙用的漿糊還要差。