
中文拼音 [wèi]
名詞[動物學] (刺蝟) hedgehog
  1. I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles, because i have been told that they do ; but if i were writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs, i should not commit myself until i had seen one enjoying this unappetizing diet

  2. The results were as follow : in the process of its male organ development, these are many abnormalities, such as : premature tapetal degradation, giant tapetal cells, the great vocalization of the tapetal cells and inadaptable function of callose enzyme, which lead abnormal and premature degradation microspores and male gametophytes

    實驗結果表明: 1實的雄性生殖器官在發育過程中,出現絨氈層細胞的液泡化、肥大、提前降解及不適時釋放胼胝質酶等異常現象,造成實花粉發育過程中出現畸形、解體。
  3. You can ' t call a hedgehog cuddly ? that is a contradiction in terms

  4. " this is excellent, it is long overdue news, " said fay vass, chief executive of the british hedgehog preservation society

  5. Figuratively, one may imagine the radiation of such a spherical maser as resembling a little hedgehog.

  6. Hedgehog fight mosquitoes games - 4455 miniclip games

    打蚊子小游戲- 4399小游戲
  7. A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball

  8. Am i mope ? ' the hedgehog smile and reply

    「我憂郁嗎? 」刺輕輕地笑了。
  9. So she went in search of her hedgehog

  10. We found a little hedgehog in the field

  11. Hedgehog ninjas games - 4455 miniclip games

    忍者小游戲- 4399小游戲
  12. Hedgehog is a crime whether the mosquito fear of animals

  13. Hedgehogs have hard thorns all over their body except their stomachs, and they can roll themselves into a spiny ball when facing danger

  14. The thirty - four species of the sea urchins belong to 7 order, 17 families and 28 genera. the following is the name list, those with an asterisk are the species recorded for the first time in china. order cidaroida family cidaridae * goniocidaris biserialis ( d6derlein ) * stylocidaris bracteata ( a. agassiz ) * stylocidaris ryukyuensis shigei * stereocidaris indica philippinensis mortensen * rhopalocidaris gracilis doderlein order lepidocentroida family echinothuridae * phormosoma bursarium ( a. agassiz ) araeosoma owstoni mortensen asthenosoma ijimai yoshiwara order stirodonta family phymosomatidae glyptocidaris crenularis a. agassiz family arbaciidae * coelopleurus maculata a. agassiz et h. l. clark * coelopleurus undulatus mortensen order aulodonta family diadematidae chaetodiademajaponicum mortensen family pedinidae * caenopedina mirabilis ( d6derlein ) order camarodonta family temnopledridae temnopleurus hardwickii ( gray ) temnopleurus toreumaticus ( leske ) temnopleurus reevesii ( gray ) temnopleurus apodus ( a. agassiz et h. l. clark ) temnotrema sculptum ( a. agassiz ) temnotrema reticulatum mortensen * microcyphus olivaceus ( d6derlein ) * prionechinus forbesianus ( a. agassiz ) family strongylocentrotidae strongylocentrotus nudus ( a. agassiz ) hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ( a. agassiz ) family echinometridae anthocidaris crassispina ( a. agassiz ) order clypeasteroida family clypeasteridae clypeaster virescens doderlein family laganidae * peronellapellucida d5derlein family scutellidae * scaphechinus mirabilis a. agassiz sinaechinocyamus planus liao family fibulariidae fibularia acuta yoshiwara order spatangoida family loveniidae - lovenia triforis koehler echinocardium cordatum ( pennant ) family schizasteridae schizaster lacunosus ( linnaeus ) family brissidae * gymnopataqus magnus ( a. agassiz & h. l. clark ) family spatangidae * spatangus luetkeni a. agassiz among the species reported, the following species call for notes or simple descriptions

    本文根據th . mortensen ( 1928 - 1955 )海膽專著( amonographoftheechinoidea )中的主要分類依據,將海膽綱分為8個目: 1 )頭帕目( cidaroidea )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部有步帶板和間步帶板,大棘很大,有外皮層,無球棘; 2 )鱗棘目( lepidocentroida )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部僅有步帶板,大棘不很大,無外皮層,有球棘; 3 )脊齒目( stirodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方不相接,顎孔開放; 4 )管齒目( aulodonta )齒器的齒無脊,圍肛部在頂系內; 5 )拱齒目( camarodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方相接,顎孔封閉; 6 )全雕目( holectypoida )有齒器,但不發達或完全被吸收,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶不形成瓣狀和葉鰓; 7 ) ?形目( clypeasteroida )齒器發達,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶形成瓣狀,無葉鰓; 8 )團目( spatangoida )無齒器,圍肛部在頂系外,葉鰓發達,步帶形成瓣狀。
  15. A comparative study on the lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in tissues of erinaceus dealbatus and three species in colubridae during hibernation and activity period

  16. Scientists already knew that the creatures, which resemble underwater hedgehogs, are the only invertebrates ( animals without backbones ) on the human branch of the evolutionary tree

  17. Hystrix moench is a small perennial genus of the tribe triticeae ( dumortier )

  18. Morphology and cytology of intergeneric hybrids between hystrix duthiei ssp. longearistata and psathyrostachys huashanica poaceae : triticeae

  19. In this paper, the whole process of it microsporogenesis and male gametophytes development was observed with microscope to sure weather stamen development is normal. at the same time, in order to provide techniques on biotechnology conservation and the foundation of its resources gene pool in cell engineering, its techniques on culture in vitro was studied

  20. The highest rate of pollen germination is 15. 4 %

    實花粉萌發實驗發現實花粉萌發率最高只有15 . 4 。