警惕心 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [jǐngxīn]
警惕心 英文
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (戒備) guard against; garrison 2 (使人注意) warn; alarm Ⅱ形容詞(感覺敏銳) alert; vig...
  • : Ⅰ動詞1. (謹慎小心) alert 2. (恭敬) respect3. (愛) loveⅡ形容詞1. (戒懼) cautious; watchful2. (憂傷) sad3. (急速的) rapid
  • 警惕 : be on guard against; watch out for; be vigilant; be on the alert
  1. A sharp old war-horse called miss chadwick, keeps a wary eye on me. so i'm careful not to blot my copybook.

  2. For the last ten months my ministers have redoubled their vigilance, in order to watch the shore of the mediterranean. if bonaparte landed at naples, the whole coalition would be on foot before he could even reach piomoino ; if he land in tuscany, he will be in an unfriendly territory ; if he land in france, it must be with a handful of men, and the result of that is easily foretold, execrated as he is by the population. take courage, sir ; but at the same time rely on our royal gratitude.

    過去十個月來,我們的各個大臣都加倍地著地中海,以確保平安無事,如波拿巴在那不勒斯登陸,那麼在他到達皮昂比諾以前,是整個聯軍就會行動起來,如果他在托斯卡納登陸,就踏上了一塊與他為敵的國土,如果他在法國登陸,那他只有帶點少數的人馬,象他這樣被人民深惡痛絕的人,其結果是可以想得到的,放吧,好了先生,不過,王室仍然很感謝您。 」
  3. Mr bloom, actuated by motives of inherent delicacy, inasmuch as he always believed in minding his own business, moved off but nevertheless remained on the qui vive with just a shade of anxiety though not funkyish in the least

  4. It may even be caused by some round black substance, such as a small rose leaf, left over from the summer, and i, not being a very vigilant housekeeper ? look at the dust on the mantelpiece, for example, the dust which, so they say, buried troy three times over, only fragments of pots utterly refusing annihilation, as one can believe

    它很可能是什麼暗黑色的圓形物體,比如說,一片夏天殘留下來的玫瑰花瓣造成的,因為我不是一個警惕心很高的管家? ?只要瞧瞧壁爐上的塵土就知道了,據說就是這樣的塵土把特洛伊城嚴嚴地埋了三層,只有一些罐子的碎片是它們沒法毀滅的,這一點完全能叫人相信。
  5. Don ' t worry, i ' m going to catch him with his guard down,

  6. Whosoever is energetic, mindful, pure in conduct, discriminating, self - restrained, right - living, vigilant, his fame steadily increases

  7. The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather, the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the rising temperature of the oceans, the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer, the acid rain given back to us by mother earth, sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us that things turn for the worse when they reach the extreme seems not to be something which people take heed of

  8. " dark tales ii " consisted of eight touching love stories between earthly man and the immortals, which are in fact parables : " feather fairy " describes how earthly love cannot resist temptations ; " the phantom and the fox " points out man can hardly distinguish between the good and the evil ; " the judge from hell " prompts man not to be greedy and that being common is good ; " flower fairies " relates how easy man will turn weak and suspicious ; " mistake " teaches man to do good ; " ghost mother " shows how deep a mother loves her child ; " sacred sword " reminds man not to underestimate others ; " eternal love " reveals how love can last forever

  9. He said the seminar was held to promote vigilance against enteroviral infection in childcare centres, where this disease commonly occurs

  10. Another source of income to maria were her cows, two of them, which she milked night and morning and which gained a surreptitious livelihood from vacant lots and the grass that grew on either side the public side walks, attended always by one or more of her ragged boys, whose watchful guardianship consisted chiefly in keeping their eyes out for the poundmen

  11. Attention to the misuse of statistics in psychological research

  12. But venturing to peep, he perceived that the latter, instead of retiring, as might have been reasonably expected upon this announcement, were watching with increased attention

  13. Reclining but alert, a gray wolf lies in new - fallen snow in the international wolf center ' s live enclosure

    臥著休息卻始終保持, 「國際狼中」生態區的一隻大灰狼臥在剛下過雪的地上。
  14. As for the sailors, although they appeared perfectly tranquil yet it was evident that they were on the alert, and that they carefully watched the glassy surface over which they were sailing, and on which a few fishing - boats, with their white sails, were alone visible

  15. A tame cat is looking around at alert on the debris on maiqili lane in the downtown of shanghai, where the old houses will be dismantled, and their host are worrying about taking them to the new houses, feb. 16, 2004

    圖片說明: 2004年2月16日,上海市市中正在拆遷的石庫門里弄麥祺里,一隻家養的貓在廢墟上得觀察周圍情況,她的主人正擔搬遷后是不是要把他們帶到新居。
  16. The centre for health protection of the department of health today july 7, 2005 called on travelers to indonesia to be vigilant against poliomyelitis polio following report from the world health organization that more than 110 such cases occurred in west java, central java and sumatra since march this year

  17. The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health ( dh ) today ( july 7 ) called on travellers to indonesia to be vigilant against poliomyelitis ( polio ) following report from the world health organization ( who ) that more than 110 such cases occurred in west java, central java and sumatra since march this year

    鑒於世界?生組織報道印尼自今年三月在西爪哇、中爪哇及蘇門達臘出現超過110宗小兒麻痹癥個案, ?生署?生防護中今日(七月七日)呼籲前往印尼的旅客提高預防小兒麻痹癥。
  18. Tigers do not ' roam ' the forest as romantic writers like to have them do ; instead they doggedly work carefully delineated territories, on the lookout for their next meal ? and on alert for any other predator that threatens access to it

    老虎並不是像浪漫小說家寫的那樣「閑庭漫步」 ;相反,它們頑強勞作,小地勾畫著自己的領地;一邊注視著他們的下頓餐點,一邊小著可能來入侵的其他肉食動物。
  19. There, one may occasionally hear people talk about " hearsay news " or touch on sensitive topics. even then, they seem to be cautious about what they say

  20. There, one may occasionally hear people talk about hearsay news or touch on sensitive topics. even then, they seem to be cautious about what they say. so long as people ' s mind is still burdened, they cannot voice their views freely
