
中文拼音 [sāo]
Ⅰ動詞(擾亂) disturb; upsetⅡ名詞1. (指屈原的《離騷》) short for li sao, a poem by the 4th century b. c. poet and statesman qu yuan (屈原) 2. (泛指詩文) literary writings 3. (像尿或狐貍的氣味) the smell of urine; foul smellⅢ形容詞1. (舉止輕佻) coquettish2. [方言] (雄性的) male (animal)
  1. It was horrible to have to be affable and subservient.

  2. There should n't be any agitation in the army.

  3. The agitation for adjusted compensation redoubled.

  4. A commotion arose in the aisle behind them among police guards and latecomers.

  5. The place was an all-night cafe owned by a bitter and stingy man called leo.

  6. The tumult of elizabeth's mind was allayed by this conversation.

  7. He was struck by madeline's almost blatant allure.

  8. He did it that night, and he did it well ; and since martin had made the biggest stir, he put it all into his mouth and made him the arch - anarch of the show, transforming his reactionary individualism into the most lurid, red - shirt socialist utterance

  9. Skin - the - goat, assuming he was he, evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances in a forcible - feeble philippic anent the natural resources of ireland, or something of that sort, which he described in his lengthy dissertation as the richest country bar none on the face of god s earth, far and away superior to england, with coal in large quantities, six million pounds worth of pork exported every year, ten millions between butter and eggs, and all the riches drained out of it by england levying taxes on the poor people that paid through the nose always, and gobbling up the best meat in the market, and a lot more surplus steam in the same vein

  10. They merely stirred in a nervous and wholly antagonistic way.

  11. His talk about apartheid created agitation

  12. When police burst into this wichita top apartment complex early wednesday, they found the bodies of a suspected gunman, an 18 - year - old woman and a third victim

  13. By the authority of the court, and the exertions of its officers, the tumult among the spectators was at length appeased.

  14. He, bloom, enjoyed the distinction of being close to erin s uncrowned king in the flesh when the thing occurred in the historic fracas when the fallen leader s - who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery - leader s trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possibly even more than that penetrated into the printing works of the insuppressible or no it was united ireland a by no means, by the by, appropriate appellative and broke up the typecases with hammers or something like that all on account of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of the o brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation, reflecting on the erstwhile tribune s private morals

  15. His arrival [coming] caused a great stir.

  16. At this repulse, the assailants instantly withdrew, and gradually the place became as still as before the sudden tumult.

  17. In the heart of assam, this park is one of the last areas in eastern india undisturbed by a human presence

  18. Though the recreant briarthon had endeavored to serve the enemy well, his exertion and assiduities had gained for him little more than toleration.

  19. If you take a look at the 306 traditional chinese asterisms, you will find the emperor, officials, buildings and housewares are all set out in the sky. so the sayings are not totally groundless. but that does not mean moving legends are missing in chinese sky

  20. The girl sat, her body still, her soul astir.
