鼻孔大 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [kǒng]
鼻孔大 英文
open nostril
  • : 名詞1. (鼻子) nose 2. [書面語] (開創; 創始; 開端) start; origination; initiation
  • 鼻孔 : nostril; naris; nares鼻孔閉鎖 atretorrhinia; 鼻孔狹窄 stenomycteria
  1. Conscious that the human organism, normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 19 tons, when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity, according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated, from nasal hemorrhage, impeded respiration and vertigo, when proposing this problem for solution he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under martian, mercurial, veneral, jovian, saturnian, neptunian or uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions, though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities, to vanities of vanities and all that is vanity

    人體組織通常能夠抗得住十九噸的氣壓169 ,可是一旦在地球的氣層里上升到相當的高度,越是接近對流層與平流層的境界線,出血吸呼困難以及眩暈,隨著算術級數就越發嚴重起來。他曉得這一點,尋求解答時就設想出這樣一個難以證明是不可能的行之有效的假定:倘若換個更富於適應性,解剖學上的構造也有所不同的種族,說不定就能在火星水星金星木星土星海王星或天王星那充足而相同的條件下生存下來。然而那個遠地點170的人類種族,盡管在構造方面與地球上的人類有著一定限度的不同之處,整個來說彼此卻有著相似的種種形態。
  2. The welterweight sergeantmajor had tapped some lively claret in the previous mixup during which keogh had been receivergeneral of rights and lefts, the artilleryman putting in some neat work on the pet s nose, and myler came on looking groggy

  3. I often left nostril gives a few nosebleed, and basic it is halitosis, mouth every day ache of suffering, waist, and radical have a bowel movement is jalf congealed every time sodden, talking around gives birth to sore, do not want to drink water, mouth weak, chang youbai is phlegmy in larynx wall, tongue thick in vain, left nostril often relapses instead answer bleed one year between half, right nostril never has shed blood, examination of classics hospital nose division slants for bazoo rhinitis of music, serious irritability, but it is good to ate medicine to disappear, also have the thing of suffer from excessive internal heat rarely, can be meeting above expression, the thing that had very much cool and refreshing relieve internal heat or fever also has vanished, can deficiency of yin with irritability or be deficiency of yang, irascibility, internal heat or lobar fire

    我經常左出少量血、而且基本天天都是口臭、口苦、腰酸痛、而且基本便每次都是溏爛、口舌生瘡、不想喝水、口淡、常有白痰在喉壁、舌厚白、刷牙出血、 (附早上煩噪、口乾上火、刷牙出血、且出左出血癥狀更明顯,左經常反反復復流血一年半時間了,右從沒流過血,經醫院科檢查為偏曲、嚴重過敏性炎,但吃了藥不見好,也很少吃上火的東西,可就是會以上表現,吃了很多清涼解毒的東西也不見好,會不會陰虛或是陽虛、肝火、心火或肺火呢? )
  4. His nostrils dilated with the scent of the air.

  5. They do this by blowing out the lining of one nostril into an outsize red balloon or by inflating their black nose hood

  6. Many plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty from within the nose, making their incision inside the nostrils

  7. Respiratory turbinates are fine, scroll - shaped bones found in the noses of most modern warm - blooded animals ( mammals and birds )

  8. Then, commencing a loud whistling noise, he rubbed them well all over their bodies for several minutes ; then, undisturbed by the noisy crowd collected round the broken carriage, ali quietly harnessed the pacified animals to the count s chariot, took the reins in his hands, and mounted the box, when to the utter astonishment of those who had witnessed the ungovernable spirit and maddened speed of the same horses, he was actually compelled to apply his whip in no very gentle manner before he could induce them to start ; and even then all that could be obtained from the celebrated " dappled grays, " now changed into a couple of dull, sluggish, stupid brutes, was a slow, pottering pace, kept up with so much difficulty that madame de villefort was more than two hours returning to her residence in the faubourg st. honor

    阿里的確證明了這一點。他走近那兩匹被人費了很的勁才扶起來的馬,用浸過香油的海綿擦了擦它們那滿是汗和白沫的前額與,於是它們幾乎立刻就呼嚕呼嚕地喘起粗氣來,並且渾身不停地顫抖了幾秒鐘。然後,也不管那圍觀在馬車周圍的人群多麼嘈雜,阿里靜靜地把那兩匹馴服了的馬套到了伯爵的四輪輕便馬車上,把韁繩握在了手裡,爬上了車頭的座位,然後他「羅! 」
  9. These sounds are generally emitted through the mouth, but horseshoe and leaf - nosed bats emit their echolocation calls through their nostrils, there they have basal fleshy horseshoe or leaf - like structures that are well adapted to function as megaphones

  10. Presently a sea-smell reached the nostrils and the river, ever majestic, flowed into the sea.

  11. Silver hobbled, grunting, on his crutch ; his nostrils stood out and quivered ; he cursed like a madman when the flies settled on his hot and shiny countenance ; he plucked furiously at the line that held me to him, and, from time to time, turned his eyes upon me with a deadly look

  12. "pig!" she spat out at him viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain.

  13. The widewinged nostrils, from which bristles of the same tawny hue projected, were of such capaciousness that within their cavernous obscurity the field - lark might easily have lodged her nest

  14. Nose : large and black. nostrils wide

  15. Then open your mouth widely and draw a deep breath. pinch the casualty s nostrils together with your hand and press your lips tightly against his mouth to seal it. blow air into his lungs until expands

  16. All south american monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostril

  17. For the cows with their huge nostrils would breathe in the cold air, hold it a bit in their lung, and breathe it out warm, steamy, comfortable

  18. Things such as nostril size vary with temperature and humidity in ways that suggest evolution is at work

  19. Why do gorillas have big nostril

  20. Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans

    狗的鼻孔大約有2億左右的嗅覺細胞? ?比人多40倍。