adjudication of benefits 中文意思是什麼

adjudication of benefits 解釋
  1. With an eye to the systematic of judicial interpretation, the inherent requirement of judicial independence, the nature of criminal adjudication, the accordance of power and responsibili ty, and the semanteme of judicial independence, the author finds out that the principle of " the people ' s courts shall exercise judicial power independently " shall also include the personal independence of individual judges. on this basis, the author reviews the adjudicative power endowed with the adjudicatory committee by law and holds that this provision has its historical significance, yet its application in today brings more malpractice than benefits. its application goes against the justness, the quality and the efficiency of the administration of justice, and goes against the realization of other important functions of the adjudicatory committee, the improvement of the skills and abilities of the judges

    在此基礎上,筆者對我國法律賦予審判委員會實質意義上的裁判權的規定進行了評析,認為,審判委員會行使裁判權,雖然有其存在的歷史原因,但在現在已經是弊大於利,它不利於司法公正,不利於保證案件質量,不利於提高訴訟效率,不利於提高訴訟效益,不利於審判委員會其他職能的正常發揮,不利於提高法官素質,理論界和實務界提出的種種保留審判委員會的裁判權的主張,並不能克服審判委員會行使裁判權的弊端,因此,應當取消審判委員會的裁判權(不是廢除審判委員會) ,法定的裁判者只能是負責個案審判的法官和人民陪審員。
  2. On the basis of principles of procedure justice, benefits and secrecy, etc., the court performs concretely arbitration jurisdiction, procedure command power, evidence confirmation right, arbitration adjudication power
