autofilter 中文意思是什麼

autofilter 解釋
  1. To save an autofilter as a normal filter

  2. Each column has one autofilter

    每列都有一個「自動篩選器」 。
  3. To apply an autofilter

    如果要應用「自動篩選」 :
  4. Use an autofilter to filter by selection by using simple criteria

  5. Note that you can apply up to two conditions to a column with autofilter

  6. You can turn autofilter on and off by selecting the autofilter command

  7. Except for the indicators field, each field has an autofilter associated with it

  8. The autofilter of each field includes all and custom in its criteria list

    每個域的「自動篩選」準則列表中都包括「全部」和「自定義」 。
  9. When you apply an autofilter to a column, an arrow appears to the right of the column label

  10. One autofilter is available for each column in every sheet view, except for the indicators field

    除了「標記」域外,每個工作表視圖的每列都有一個「自動篩選」 。
  11. Select all or part of a worksheet to be converted to html and choose whether to make it static or interactive html. export worksheet data, charts, pivottable views, query ranges, autofilter ranges, print ranges, or entire worksheets

    選擇要轉換為html格式的全部或部分工作表,並選擇是生成靜態或互動式html 。
  12. You can filter a list to see rows that meet specific criteria by using the autofilter or advanced filter command
