bitten 中文意思是什麼

bitten 解釋
bite 的過去分詞。

  1. It calls beautiful mosquito here, the toilet water on besmear is caught after was being bitten, the meeting is better, if spent time, grow to besmear medicine is done not have again so the canal was used

  2. Have they ever come out and bitten people ?

  3. Not bitten, are you ? if i had been, i would have set my signet on the biter

    「我要是給咬著了,我可要在這咬人的東西上打上我的印記呢。 」
  4. Warm up the frost bitten parts by sharing of body heat

  5. Regarding girlfriend ' s outward appearance, ju pao has some special expectations, other than being womanly, can ' t be too short, what he looks for the most is that the teeth must be straight, don ' t like canine teeth girls ( i guess this means if it sticks out ), probably afraid of being bitten

  6. Her aunty s corgi which has bitten her on several occasions - about which, for once, there is little she can do

  7. Only its tail and right ear lobe are missing, apparently having been bitten off

  8. If be not bitten, glossal brim has lump purple, the body that shows you is put in yu blood

  9. But " school - aged children can be trained successfully in precautionary behavior when approaching a dog, " concluded the study from the department of pediatric surgery at the medical university of graz. the researchers said they found that the relative risk of being bitten by a german shepherd or a doberman was about five times higher than for a labrador retriever or a mixed breed

  10. However, from the perspective of iatrology history, we study the records in shiji and hanshu, the characteristics of the black dog who attacked empress iii, the time from when empress lu was hurt in armpit to when she was died, and her symptom during this period, we can make a conclusion that empress lu was bitten by a dog, then died from hydrophobia

    然而以醫療史的視角,從《史記》 、 《漢書》等書對呂后遭遇犬禍記述的異同,襲擊呂后倉狗的出沒特徵,呂後由腋傷、病重到亡故的時間、癥狀及其在此期間的表現,細加考索和探究,漢人「如意為崇」 、 「妖象犬形」等看似荒誕的記載,實際隱喻著對呂后病狀的合理描述,其中透露出的種種跡象表明:呂后腋傷起於撕狗的抓咬,最後的死亡也是因狂犬病的發作所致。
  11. I must have be bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy

  12. I must have been bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy

  13. I got bitten in a mail order swindle

  14. The news broke from hawaii that this thirteen year old professional surfer had been bitten by a shark that took her arm off right under the shoulder along with a big bite out of her surfboard. it nearly half of the blood in her body was lost. and despite that horrible tragedy, her initial response in the water was one of an amazing calmness that everybody commented on

  15. You've bitten off the end of your pipe.

  16. Clara could have bitten her tongue for that reiterated stupid slip on the name of whitford.

  17. Together with billali and the man who had been bitten by the snake rolled into the slimy pool.

  18. She has grown so accustomed to snakebites since infancy that she loses sleep if she has not been bitten

  19. I got bitten in a mail-order swindle.

  20. I felt in his pockets, one after another. a few small coins, a thimble, and some thread and big needles, a piece of pigtail tobacco bitten away at the end, his gully with the crooked handle, a pocket compass, and a tinder box, were all that they contained, and i began to despair
