bunraku 中文意思是什麼

bunraku 解釋
  1. Bunraku is a kind of performing art in which puppets are manipulated by puppeteers on the stage, while joruri chanters and shamisen sit on stage to the audience s right, singing and narrating the puppet performance

    今次也不例外,電影的靈感應當來自日本傳統藝術木偶戲bunraku 。這種藝術主要由一班木偶師負責控制木偶,說書人旁述故事和唱歌解畫。
  2. The elegant costume of the lovers make them look like puppet as well. while kitano keeps reminding us these characters are based on puppet play, he also subverts the tradition of bunraku performance by minimizing the influence of dialogue in his film

  3. Music played with the instrument shamisen, a kind of guitar with only three strings. kabuki and bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen

    由「三味線」演奏的音樂。 「三味線」是一種只有三根弦的彈撥樂器。 「歌舞伎」和「文樂木偶戲」的伴奏也是用「三味線」 。
  4. Therefore it is not easy to comprehend what exactly kitano wants to explore with the theme of the bunraku performance. is he trying to embrace it or challenge it ? hard to say

  5. National bunraku theatre of japan, and see puppet theatre

  6. Inspired by the everlasting emotions expressed in bunraku doll theater

  7. To be honest, my knowledge about bunraku is very brief. the red rope tying the two lovers up is probably a symbol of the puppet string

    筆者曾看過有一電影以這種木偶戲chikamatsu為題材,名為double suicide ,講述一對苦命男女為情自殺。