carnations 中文意思是什麼

carnations 解釋
  1. Five men per ha. were required for rose production, 6 or 7 men for carnations.

  2. It advanced then a long step into the proud, challenging beauty of the carnations and roses.

  3. I ' ll give her a bunch of red carnations

  4. She bought a big wheel of red carnations, and some little gentle - petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves

  5. In beslan, amid the ruins of school no. 1, grieving parents and survivors carrying red carnations and roses filed past photos of the dead pinned to bullet - riddled walls, still stunned over the loss of loved ones and classmates

  6. Camels feed on carnations on a farm in rafah, in the gaza strip

  7. How are your carnations coming along

  8. Five men per ha. were required for rose production, 6 or 7 men for carnations

    種植玫瑰每公頃需5個男勞力,香石竹需6 、 7個男勞力。
  9. Carnations are not very elegant. artificial flowers have no passion

  10. How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it. . if that mark was made by a nail, it can ' t have been for a picture, it must have been for a miniature ? the miniature of a lady with white powdered curls, powder ? dusted cheeks, and lips like red carnations

    我們的思緒是多麼容易一哄而上,簇擁著一件新鮮事物,像一群螞蟻狂熱地抬一根稻草一樣,抬了一會,又把它扔在那裡… …如果這個斑點是一隻釘子留下的痕跡,那一定不是為了掛一幅油畫,而是為了掛一幅小肖像畫? ?一幅卷發上撲著白粉、臉上抹著脂粉、嘴唇像紅石竹花的貴婦人肖像。
  11. Don ' t even think of getting me carnations again, i actually have test

  12. Li has called for the traditional western gift of carnations for the day to be changed to lilies, which in ancient times were planted by mothers in their courtyards as a sign of sorrow at their children leaving

  13. Li has called for the traditional western gift of carnations for the day to be changed to lilies, which in ancient times were planted by mothers in their courtyards as a sign of sorrow at their children leaving home

  14. A woman living in modern hong kong experience flashbacks of an earlier life, in which she was a chinese beauty named golden lotus. slowly, the events from her previous existence begin to re - enact themselves in the modern world. in both in carnations, lotus is abused by the men in her life

  15. For some reason, the two women had drawn together, in one of the unaccountable flows and ebbs of sympathy that exist between people. they were pegging down carnations, and putting in small plants for the summer. it was work they both liked

  16. Pink carnations grew fromswheresher tears fell on the ground, and became the symbol of a mother ' s love

  17. Just as their longing was being intensified by the sweet fragrance of spring carnations, a delightful and unanticipated message informed them that they

  18. I ' ve got an idea. let ' s get carnations and a beer stein and put them up here

  19. We ' ve planted lots of different flowers, such as roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums

  20. On that day, carnations , mrs. jarvis ' favorite flowers, were given to mothers

    那天,母親們會收到康乃馨? ?哈維斯太太最喜歡的花。