cavil 中文意思是什麼

cavil 解釋
vi. 不及物動詞 (-ll-) 挑剔,吹毛求疵 (at; about)。
vt. 及物動詞 對…挑剔,對…吹毛求疵。
n. 名詞 無端指摘,吹毛求疵。
-(l)er n. 名詞 吹毛求疵的人。

  1. Most practitioners reject the idea of a "new science" and cavil even at the word futurology.

  2. Even he could find nothing to cavil about

  3. Connie looked at hilda. i wish you wouldn t cavil, hilda

    「我希望你不要拔是非罷,希爾達。 」
  4. His posture - flat upon his back, with his hands crossed upon his stomach and tied with something that he easily broke without profitably altering the situation - the strict confinement of his entire person, the black darkness and profound silence, made a body of evidence impossible to controvert and he accepted it without cavil

    他的姿勢(身體平躺,雙手交錯放在肚子上,手腕被什麼東西綁著,而他是不需調整最佳姿勢就可以輕松掙斷這個東西的) 、他被牢牢禁錮著的身體、漆黑的夜色和悚然的寂靜,這一切都是無可辯駁的證據,他只能無可奈何地接受。
  5. Yet we have to admit we cannot demonstrate its truth beyond all possible cavil and, further, we have to recognize that the communication which we have with other persons may be less complete than we imagine, but in spite of all this, we feel that it is more than a reasonable assumption - it is a practical certainty - that other persons exist and that we are able to communicate our thoughts to them

    但是,我們必得承認,對此真實現象的證明不可能達到無懈可擊,而且我們還需要進一步了解,我們跟他人的交談,可能不像我們想象的那麼完備,可是,盡管有這些顧慮,我們對於他人的存在,以及我們能夠把自己的思想傳達給他人之類的認定,覺得已經超出合乎常理的假定? ?它實際上是毫無疑問的事實。