colorful butterflies 中文意思是什麼

colorful butterflies 解釋
  1. Colorful flowers blossoming, pretty butterflies fluttering ; here we are like wandering in a large garden this is the butterfly garden in jinshihhu scenic area, which is one of the favorite places for visitors. it also attracts many amateur and professional photographers, along with numerous environmental educationalists

    五顏六色的花卉盛開,美麗的蝴蝶飛舞,置身其中猶如是徜徉在一座大花園里… … ,這是金獅湖風景區內最具特色的蝴蝶生態網室,不但是大多數遊客的最愛,更吸引了眾多愛好攝影人士前來捕捉鏡頭,生態教育者也絡繹不絕。
  2. In spring, as the weather becomes warmer, the winter birds start to leave, but mai po is still bustling with life : plump and juicy gei wai shrimp, beautiful and colorful insects such as butterflies and dragonflies are found everywhere. all these creatures are active during spring and summer, so it is a great time to learn more about them
