compatibility of activities 中文意思是什麼

compatibility of activities 解釋
  1. Further concentration on the compatibility test activities jointly with the hardware and media companies should be conducted from the viewpoint of the end user, where even better and more satisfying products in the market for the end user s benefits may be achieved through such round robin tests. " the speech ended with future guidelines and appreciation from the members

    此外,在迎來第7屆活動之際,我的願望是在迄今的格式推廣活動之中,更多地站在客戶觀點上,以媒體與硬體的兼容性認證活動為軸心,通過循環對比試驗,推出更能滿足一般消費者需求的產品。 」
  2. A significant contribution can be made to the development of the arts by setting out planning guidelines for the controlled use, or change of use, of non - dedicated facilities, including heritage and listed buildings, for cultural activities, taking into consideration building and fire safety standards and practices and land use compatibility

  3. Compatibility of activities
