contre 中文意思是什麼

contre 解釋
  1. How did contre saint - beuve, an essay attacking the methods of the critic saint beuve, turn into the start of the novel remembrance of things past

    為什麼小說「追憶逝水年華」會肇始於一篇攻擊批評家聖?伯夫寫作手法的論文「駁聖-伯夫」 ?
  2. For until proust was confident that he was at last in sight of a viable structure for remembrance, he told few correspondents that he was producing anything more ambitious than contre saint - beuve

  3. In 1997, professor chen was the first non - french winner of the " prix de l oise " by " la ligue nationale contre le cancer " of france, and in 2002, he was named chevalier de l ordre national de la legion d honneur " by the french government

    1997年,陳教授獲法國國家抗癌學會( laliguenationalecontrelecancer )頒授loise獎( prixdeloise ) ,是首位外國學者獲得此項殊榮。 2002年,他又獲法國政府頒授法國勛級會榮譽軍團騎士勛章( chevalierdelordrenationaldelalegiondhonneur ) 。
  4. In 1997, professor chen was the first non - french winner of the " prix de l oise " by " la ligue nationale contre le cancer " of france, and in 2002, he was named " chevalier dans l ordre national de la legion d honneur " by the french government

    1997年,陳教授獲法國國家抗癌學會( laliguenationalecontrelecancer )頒授loise獎( prixdeloise ) ,是首位外國學者獲得此項殊榮。 2002年,他又獲法國政府頒授法國勛級會榮譽軍團騎士勛章( chevalierdanslordrenationaldelalegiondhonneur ) 。
  5. Draft passages in proust ' s 1909 notebooks indicate that the transition from essay to novel began in contre saint - beuve, when proust introduced several examples to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory exerts over the creative imagination
