controls toolbar 中文意思是什麼

controls toolbar 解釋
  1. Custom toolbars, dynamic rearrangement of buttons on the toolbar, and adding controls such as a combo box to a toolbar

    自定義工具欄,通過該選項可以對工具欄上的按鈕進行動態重新排列,以及向工具欄添加控制項(如組合框) 。
  2. Controls replace the previous toolbar, menu, shortcut menu, and status bar controls, although those controls are retained for backward compatibility

  3. Some of the options in the toolbar - new, save, delete, and so on - are disabled because this form contains no controls that allow for the editing of data

    工具欄中的一些選項( new 、 save 、 delete等)被禁用,因為此表單沒有可以編輯資料的控制項。
  4. Components allow you to create modern office toolbar style menus, with full support for shaded regions, icons, and embedded controls such as dropdown lists

    組件允許您創建office工具欄樣式的現代化菜單,並完全支持陰影區域、圖標和嵌入式控制項(例如下拉列表) 。