cyclone method 中文意思是什麼

cyclone method 解釋
  • cyclone : n. 1. 【氣象學】氣旋;旋風。2. 旋風器,吸塵器。3. 【化學】環酮,四芳基茂酮。cyclonic adj.
  • method : n 1 方法,方式;順序。2 (思想、言談上的)條理,規律,秩序。3 【生物學】分類法。4 〈M 〉【戲劇】...
  1. Meteorological disaster ( mainly wind damagae, waterlog disaster and drought damage ) was classified by five categories as slight, not serious, medium, relatively serious and serious by the degree of its influence on guangzhou, and divided into 3 ranges in time : short - term ( 2000 2002 ), medium - term ( 2003 2006 ), and long - term ( 2007 2010 ). through the investigation by 57 experts who had been engaged in disatser research for a long time, with application expert of assessment method ( delphi method ) the results showed that wind damage would have the greatest influence on guangzhou among the meteorological disasters. in the coming 10 years, there would be tropical cyclone influence on guangzhou almost every year, which would bring a certain extent of damage that was 10 15 % more serious than that in normal year. waterlog disaster brings less influence compared them with tropical cyclone in short term, but its influence was close to that of tropical cyclone in mid - term and even surpasses that of tropical cyclone in long - term. waterlog damage in forcasting period will be about 10 % more serious than that in normal year

    將氣象災害(主要是風災、澇災和旱災)對廣州市的影響程度分成輕微、偏輕、中等、偏重和嚴重五個級別,在時間上將未來10年分成三個時期:近期( 2000 2002年) 、中期( 2003 2006年) 、遠期( 2007 2010年) ,通過對廣州市57名長期從事災害研究的專家的調查,再運用專家評估法,結果表明:在三種災害中,對廣州市影響最大的是風災,未來10年幾乎每年都有熱帶氣旋影響廣州,造成較大程度的損失,其損失程度約比中等年份偏多10 15 ;澇災對廣州市的影響在近期比臺風小,中期與臺風的影響接近,至遠期的影響超過臺風,整個預測期內比中等年份偏多10左右。
  2. Air quality. workplace air. personal or stationary sampling of the alveolar fraction of particulate pollution. separation method using a 10 mm cyclone
