cylon 中文意思是什麼

cylon 解釋
  1. How did the cylon named gina obtain the nuclear warhead that she used to blow up the cloud nine

  2. Which military officer both survives the initial cylon attack and also outranks william adama at that time

  3. During their adventures on caprica after the cylon attack, karl agathon, kara thrace and sam anders ( among others ) all give themselves periodic injections of what medication

  4. At the end of the [ [ miniseries ] ], a copy of eight wearing a colonial [ [ flight suit ] ] appears to be leading a group of cylon agents who recover the [ [ aaron doral # pr executive copy | pr executive copy of aaron doral ] ] from [ [ ragnar anchorage ] ]

    在[ [短劇] ]的結尾處,一個身著殖民地[ [飛行服] ]的捌號復制體,看起來帶領著一批人形賽昂來到[ [拉格納錨地] ]回收了[ [亞倫?多勒爾#公共關系主管|亞倫?多勒爾的公共關系主管復制體] ] 。
  5. Which cylon defied the others ' consensus to back down from the standoff with the galactica over the eye of jupiter

  6. According to her, where was ellen tigh between the time of the cylon attack and the time that william adama discovered her in the fleet

  7. How did athena get onto the cylon base ship to rescue her daughter

  8. What causes gaius baltar to see a cylon woman in his mind

  9. Which cylon sabotages the galactica ' s water supply in the aptly named " water "

  10. What are the viper pilots protecting from attacks by cylon raiders in " scar "

    在2 15 《傷疤》一集中,毒蛇機飛行員們保護什麼免受塞昂突襲機的攻擊?
  11. Right after helo and sharon reveal that they ' re in love, what attitude does the human - cylon couple face from most of their crewmates

  12. What is the most likely reason that the cylon raider known as scar seems smarter and [ / color ] [ / size ] [ size = 4 ] [ color = navy ] deadlier than other raiders
