disembarrass 中文意思是什麼

disembarrass 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 解脫,使擺脫(憂慮等),使脫離(困窘等);使安心。
He disembarrassed himself of his heavy coat. 他脫下了沉重的外衣。
disembarrass oneself from troublesome trivalities 擺脫令人煩惱的瑣事。
n. 名詞 -ment
  1. Let me disembarrass you of that heavy box, sir

  2. Most of the representatives offered to disembarrass the government of its protection of the small dependent island state

  3. But as he had eaten up the dowry which she had originally brought with her, he was puzzled as to how to disembarrass himself of her without making restitution
