dogma 中文意思是什麼

dogma 解釋
n. 名詞 (pl. dogmas, dogmata ) 〈罕用語〉1. 教義,教理,教條;信條。
2. 定論;獨斷論,武斷的意見。

  1. It affirmed the dogma of predestined election.

  2. Lamarchism is completely at odds with the central dogma of molecular biology.

  3. The party is by dogma blameless.

  4. The catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules.

  5. He conquered the old code and the old dogma.

  6. For most of its 100 - year history, neuroscience has embraced a central dogma : a mature adult ' s brain remains a stable, unchanging, computerlike machine with fixed memory and processing power

  7. There is no dominant poetic style or movement, though there are coteries with their little magazines and their sharp assertions of dogma and heresy.

  8. One is the defiant reaffirmation of dogma.

  9. This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics, sometimes called the central dogma.

  10. Many current psychoanalytic theories diverge markedly from classical freudian dogma

  11. But for the better part of five decades, those genes were enshrined by the central dogma of molecular biology as the repository of heritable traits

  12. Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma

  13. Now, as always, clare s father was sanguine as a child ; and though the younger could not accept his parent s narrow dogma he revered his practice, and recognized the hero under the pietist

  14. Increasingly, i find it is lara alone who remains untainted by academic dogma and open - minded enough to see this truth

  15. The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the brahman ' s dogma

  16. Despite the great importance of this feast in the orthodox liturgical calendar, it is not considered a matter of dogma as in the catholic church ( dogmatization of the dormition for the roman catholic church was formalized by a roman catholic pope after the great schism, whose authority eastern orthodox did not recognize )

    盡管按照東正教歷法來說,這個節日十分重要,但並沒有納入天主教教條之內(大分裂之後,被羅馬教宗形式化的羅馬天主教武斷地指出,並不接受東正教有關「死亡」的教條。 )
  17. Spain again, you saw in the war, compared with goahead america. turks, it s in the dogma

  18. It is precisely such ignorant people who take marxism-leninism as a religious dogma.

  19. A good policy is not a dogma, but it is a guide to action

    連接兩個用作表語的名詞,平行結構,句意是「一項好的政策不是教條而是行動的指南。 」
  20. Well. . i read it, yeah. . i ' ve got to stay ahead of the game on that one. but actually, young people usually talk to me about " dogma.

    嗯… …書我讀過,是的。在那個故事中我確實是站在風口浪尖上的人物,不過年輕人一般是在《教條》這部電影里談起我的。