fortifications 中文意思是什麼

fortifications 解釋
  1. Sieges that aimed at isolating and reducing fortified places became the dominant instrument for prosecuting the war and protective fortifications were vital, for both the besieged as well as the besieger

  2. So in addition to ordinary artillery, the german military was aided by a very large number of stuka dive bombers which could quickly and efficiently destroy the enemy obstacles in the tanks path ( artillery units, fortifications, infantry concentrations, bridges, convoys, etc )

    所以除了普通的炮兵外,德國軍隊還裝備了大量的斯圖卡式俯沖轟炸機,它能夠迅速有效的消滅坦克推進道路上的障礙(如炮兵,防禦工事,步兵集團,橋梁和護衛車隊等) 。
  3. Construction of the great wall began during the spring and autumn period to the warring states period 770bc - 221bc, several ducal states built wall fortifications along the precipitous mountain ridges to ward off the plunder of nomadic people and the invasion of each other

    長城始建於春秋戰國時期- 。各諸侯國為互相防禦和抵禦北方遊牧部落的侵擾,在地形險要之處相繼興築長城。
  4. After examining the nature of the country opposite the shevardino redoubt, napoleon pondered a little while in silence and pointed to the spots where two batteries were to be placed by the morrow for action against the russian fortifications, and the spots where, in a line with them, the field artillery was to be arranged

  5. They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines.

  6. He spoke of vast secret stockpiles and fortifications that he had seen with his own eyes.

  7. Then he realized how vast and how strong are the fortifications that surround the present system.

  8. This would turn the maginot line and would not entail the losses likely to be sustained in a frontal attack against permanent fortifications.

  9. Either proceed east and north toward the leal senado fountain, or go westward along avenida da praia grande the old waterfront. you ll pass the big pink colored government house first ; behind it, and further along the waterfront at the base of the portuguese consul residence, remnants of the old city fortifications can be seen

  10. The maginot line, the massive series of fortifications built by france in the 1930s to defend its borders with germany and italy, is perhaps the most maligned collection of fortifications ever built

  11. Of tactical science, destined to overthrow napoleonthat that camp was a senseless absurdity that would lead to the destruction of the russian army. prince andrey arrived at bennigsens quarters, a small manor - house on the very bank of the river. neither bennigsen nor the tsar was there ; but tchernishev, the tsars aide - de - camp, received bolkonsky, and informed him that the tsar had set off with general bennigsen and marchese paulucci to make his second inspection that day of the fortifications of the drissa camp, of the utility of which they were beginning to entertain grave doubts

  12. Vast intricate systems of fortifications, defended localities, and anti-tank obstacles, block-houses, pillboxes and the like, laced the whole area.

  13. Royal engineers use their knowledge of fortifications to reinforce all weapon emplacements to make them more resistant to damage

  14. As a little girl she had long wished to dwell in a meadow, tending a goat, because one day on the talus of the fortifications she had seen a goat bleating at the end of its tether

  15. An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse

  16. The hellfire fortifications surrounding the portal are beseiged by orcs

  17. The result could batter fortifications, sink ships, set cities on fire and kill enemies in hitherto unimagined numbers

  18. In our country, the reform is in the stage of storming fortifications, the development is in the key time

  19. The union built fortifications, gathered up troops, and planned hood ' s demise

  20. The air bombardment of german fortifications was crucial, even if not as effective as hoped, and the naval attack on german defenses was essential, even if it did not silence most of the german guns, but at h - hour when the landing craft lowered their ramps the success or failure of the greatest amphibious attack in the history of warfare, the event upon which the success of the allied effort in world war ii depended, all came down to the bedford boys and thousands of men like them scrambling in chest high water, weighed down with equipment and ammunition, and the water they splashed into was crimson with their blood and that of their buddies

    德國防禦工事的炮火是殘酷無情的,即使它沒有達到預期的效果;對德國防禦的海上攻擊是至關重要的,即使它並不能平息德國人多數的炮火;但是,當攻擊開始時刻,登陸艇漸漸放下它們的滑梯的時候,戰爭史上最偉大的兩棲作戰? ?一場決定二戰的聯盟力量的勝利的戰爭? ?的勝敗就掌握在了貝德福德的男孩們以及數以千計的像他們一樣在齊胸的水裡前行的戰士們手裡,他們背負著沉重的裝備和武器,跳進他們和他們兄弟的鮮血染紅的海水裡。