freudian 中文意思是什麼

freudian 解釋
adj. 形容詞 弗洛伊德的,弗洛伊德學說[學派]的,精神[心理]分析學的。
n. 名詞 弗洛伊德派,精神[心理]分析學家。
n. 名詞 -ism 弗洛伊德學說[學派],精神[心理]分析學。

  1. Tactics of the desire - a research on the freudian literary theory

  2. Of the freudian theory in china

  3. I made a freudian slip yesterday

  4. Compared analysis on psychology in tcm and freudian psychoanalysis theory

  5. Well, that ' s probably why you wet the bed. very freudian. jungian

  6. In freudian theory, the imprints are memories, albeit unconscious ones

  7. Many current psychoanalytic theories diverge markedly from classical freudian dogma

  8. Because hypnosis is not anything new, it is far older than freudian psychoanalysis

  9. But in the process you freudian slip and honor yourself. and you ll end up with self - esteem and pride

  10. Think of it. and there was grave concern that religion would be exterminated by freudian psychoanalysis

  11. And thats quite phenomenal because you see this was 2000 years before there were professionals called psychologists who psychoanalyzed the freudian slips that probably came out of us

  12. Freudian theory is employed to analyze the three main characters corresponding to the id, the ego and the superego

  13. Or he would relate his dreams which, so far as i could see, were thoroughly insipid, prosaic, hardly worth even the attention of a freudian, but, for him, there were vast esoteric marvels hidden in their depths which i had to aid him to decipher

  14. His best - known work is oedipus rex, the play that later gave its name to the freudian theory, in which the hero kills his father and marries his mother - in a doomed attempt to escape the curse he brings upon himself

    他最著名的作品就是《奧狄浦斯王》 ,后來的弗洛伊德理論借用了這一名字,在這部戲中,主人公無望地試圖逃避他自己帶給自己的詛咒,但最終還是殺父娶母。
  15. In this way, ramachandran says, the left hemisphere manifestly employs freudian “ mechanisms of defense

  16. And he went under analysis. he went on the couch, took the freudian treatment and in that experience uncovered a childhood memory, a very bad punishment that his father inflicted upon him just before his father took him to the synagogue where he was taught about the heavenly father. at that point, atheism set its roots

  17. This procedure implies opposition to the revisionist neo-freudian school。

  18. However, an interesting problem emerges here for a freudian : what if we accept the psychoanalytic premises of the split subject

  19. Lewis carroll / mathematician / photographer : wis carroll, alice. . in wonderland. consider the freudian interpretative essay ; you ' re under no obligation to accept it, but if you want to disagree, do so informatively

    9主題- -路易斯卡羅/數學家/攝影家:路易斯卡羅《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 ,把佛洛伊德學派之詮釋性論文納入考量;你沒有必要接受論文的理念,但是如果你決定要反對,就請提供知識來佐證你的想法。