friedrich schiller 中文意思是什麼

friedrich schiller 解釋
  • friedrich : 弗勒貝爾〈1782-1852,德國教育家,幼稚園創辦人〉。
  • schiller : 德國詩人
  1. Friedrich - schiller - universit t jena

  2. Similar demands on an audience ' s attention are now being made with a ten - hour staging in a converted brewery in south - east berlin of friedrich schiller ' s “ wallenstein ”, a play in three parts

    正在柏林東南部一家改造過的釀酒廠上映的弗里德理西?席勒的《華倫斯坦》 (上、中、下)同樣是對觀眾注意力的極大挑戰。
  3. Since childhood, i have loved friedrich von schiller a great german poet and dramatist. when i was thirteen, i had the opportunity to recite one of his poems in the school auditorium on the 200th anniversary of schiller s birth. there was one verse that was very spiritual, and although i didn t really understand the meaning of the poem at the time, through my intuition, i successfully brought the audience into the poetic scenario

    我小時候就非常喜愛文學家席勒先生schiller ,德國偉大的詩人和戲劇作家,特別是在13歲那一年,我有機會在席勒先生兩百周年誕辰紀念日當天,于學校禮堂朗誦他的詩篇,其中有一段詩句非常具有靈性,雖然當時我對詩詞內容不太了解,但是憑著直覺,卻能將現場觀眾帶入詩的意境。