give 中文意思是什麼

音標 [giv]
give 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (gave; given; giving)1. 送給,給。
I gave the boy a book. I gave a book to the boy. 我給男孩一本書。
2. 授予,賦予,賜予(地位、頭銜、名譽等)。
The law gives citizens the right to vote. 該法律給公民選舉的權利。
be given the title of 被授予…稱號。
G- a rogue rope enough and he will hang himself. 〈諺語〉壞人必自取滅亡。
3. 作出;舉出;顯示出;載入;提出,表示出。
give an account of 說明。
give examples 舉例。
give a guess 猜一猜。
give a suggestion 提出建議,建議。
give a try 試一試。
give signs of an illness 顯示出病兆。
This word is not given in the dictionary. 這個詞沒有載入詞典。
The thermometer gives 30° in the shade. 在陰涼處溫度計上是攝氏三十度。
gave him her confidence 向他表示她的信任。
4. 致(謝),轉達(問候),賀(喜);提議為…乾杯。
give thanks 感謝,致以感謝。
G- my love [compliments, regards] to your mother. 請問候你的母親。
I give you joy. 恭喜恭喜。
I('ll) give you Mr. X. 為恭賀X先生乾杯吧。
5. 交付;委託;讓出;嫁出。
give the porter one's bag to carry 把包交給搬行李工人提。
give a daughter in marriage 把女兒嫁出去。
6. 賣與;交換。
I will give it for 5 dollars. 五塊錢我就賣。
I will give 5 dollars for it. 我出五塊錢買。
7. 獻身於,致力於。
give one's mind to a matter 為某件事費心。
give one's life to study 為學問而獻身。
8. 產生,得出;發,生;引起。
Trees give fruit. 樹結果子。
Cows give milk 奶牛產奶。
4 divided by 2 gives 2. 二除四得二。
9. 說,宣告;發出。
Judgment was given against the plaintiff. 作出原告敗訴的裁決。
give a cry 喊叫,大叫一聲。
give orders 發出命令。
The umpire gave him out. 裁判員宣告他出界。
The sun gives lights. 太陽發出光。
10. 作為…的源泉[來源];給(病人)服(藥);把(病)傳染給;為…生子女;使…生子女。
give pleasure 帶來歡樂。
You have given me your cold. 你把傷風傳染給我了。
She gave him four sons. 她給他生了四個兒子。
He gave her two daughters. 他使她生了兩個女兒。
11. 舉行,主辦(音樂會、宴會);演出。
12. 施以(懲罰);把…強加於。
13. 完成(一次具體的動作或努力)give a kick [kiss, sly look, jump] 踢[吻、睨視、跳]。
14. 假定,假想〈主用過去分詞〉。
Given health, I can finish the work. 若是身體好,我可以完成那項工作。
15. 被認為是,被歸于。
The pamphlet has been given to his pen. 名詞 據說這冊子是他寫的。
16. 規定,限定;指定。
He gave us Sunday as our day of meeting. 他指定星期日為我們的集會日。
17. 使接觸到…;使能夠…;使可見…。
give sb. to understand sth. 使某人理解某事。
The window gives the meadow. 隔窗可見草地。
18. 犧牲,失去。
She gave one eye in the accident. 她在事故中失去一隻眼睛。
19. 為…把電話接到…。
G- me the service desk, please. 請接服務臺。
20. 介紹。
Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Governor of Washington. 名詞 女士們,先生們,我請華盛頓州州長和諸位見面。
21. 描述。
give the scenery of London 描述倫敦風光。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 捐助,贈送。
give generously to charity 慷慨捐助。
2. (色)褪,(天氣)變暖和;(冰等)融解。
The winter is giving. 冬天(的寒冷)漸漸和緩了。
The frost did not give all day. 霜終日不化。
3. 投降,屈服,讓步。
The Iron Army never gives. 「鐵軍」永不退卻。
4. (地等受壓力)坍下,凹下;(木器等)彎曲;(沙發等)有彈性;(螺釘等)松動。
The foundations are giving. 地基陷下去了。
This sofa gives comfortably. 這張沙發的彈性好,坐起來舒服。
His knees gave. 他癱了。
5. 干縮,濕壞。
6. 面向,通達。
a wicket giving into an avenue 通到林蔭路的小門。
7. 〈美俚〉發生,進行。
He demanded to know what gave. 〈美俚〉他要求知道發生了什麼。
8. 適應,順應。
n. 名詞 1. 彈性;可彎性;可讓性。
2. (精神、性格等的)適應性。
3. 給予。

  1. He couldn't make any offers, for that might be pleaded in abatement of what damages a jury might be inclined to give.

  2. If i give you my help in this matter, you shall give me your ward marian, who is under shelter at kirklees with the abbess there, but is none the less yours to give to any man

  3. Pull over. give yourself up. - i ' m being abducted

    停靠路邊,停車! -我被綁架了
  4. Shadrach, meshach, and abed - nego answered and said to the king, o nebuchadnezzar, there is no need for us to give you an answer in this matter

  5. The captain told them, he would spare their lives, if they would give him any assurance of their abhorrence of the treachery they had been guilty of.

  6. After 15 minutes ' intensively discussion, they started to exhibit their results. the nine groups, adding culture construction group, drumbeating group started their aboil contend and pk match. first, the elected leaders steped onto the platform to declare their team name and catchwords, and devised themselves ' characteristic behave. this activity bubbled up the assembly room ' s atmosphere. then we let the leaders stand in a line and give them the last 2 minutes ' speak time to draw tickets. lastly, we decided to choose the winner using the method that every group votes two tickets. but for there were 3 winners at last, we handed out a few lollipops averagely to this 3 groups. their great ambition expressed in last prevail speech reminded us the experience and scene in summer camp

  7. What reason can you give for this abomination

  8. Much as i abominate writing, i would not give up mr. collins s correspondence for any consideration

  9. Don ' t worry, the monsignor will give you absolution

  10. Monsignor, when you have a moment, give me absolution too

  11. The bank shall, and shall have the persons retained by it, comply with the provisions of aby laws, regulations or orders now hereafter in force which purport to impose any dutied on the bank as the holder of any funds investment to give any notification or to take or refrain from taking any action

  12. For ease of calculation, we must give up accuracy.

  13. I had nothing to do with her dismissal ; then why did she give me an accusatory look before she left

  14. We shall be able to give you a good account sales

  15. Still the same acidulated voice, only that now it tickled the public in the right quarter so deftly that momentarily it caused them to give a little shiver of pleasure

  16. And so today i want to give you another acrostic. last week i gave you an acrostic for tithing

    今天我要給你們另一首字母詩,今天的字母詩是付出give 。
  17. Today the acrostic is to give. and so our giving begins by giving generously. choosing a big measuring cup with which to receive the blessings of god

    首先我們要慷慨的付出generously ,用一個大量杯收取神的祝福,不知道你的情況,我想要一個大的。
  18. Doing a measurement with your dmm in the acv position on your dc circuit will give a quick indication of any excess ripple on the supply when you don " t have a scope at hand

  19. Japanese farmers give adamant support for import restrictions.

  20. As ade give of herself to honor us, we now honor her
