harmlessness 中文意思是什麼

harmlessness 解釋
  1. Harmlessness, truth to all beings, abstention from theft, from incontinence and from avarice, constitute yama or the five commandments

  2. Because of its harmlessness as well as other superiorities such as its characteristics of real time and portability, which are impossible for other imaging modalities, this technique has attracted much attention and is of great value for research

  3. Management of environmental proteetion industrial, engineering consultation of environmental pollution treatment ; technique of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization and harmlessness treatment

  4. This is power based upon love and harmlessness

  5. There are phases of ascension that allow for embracing harmlessness in degrees

  6. You see, such masters did not master harmlessness in their acquisition of power

  7. A state of harmlessness is a state in which one does not act in a vicious or malicious manner upon any plane of reality

  8. It is for this reason that often those of great fame have such abusive energy fields from a point of view of harmlessness

  9. As one masters harmlessness, one receives greater and greater levels of authority within the inner plane governance over earth

  10. Remove the machinery and one will enter a state of harmlessness, as there is little mechanisms left in the field for the dark to work through any longer

  11. We hope that what we have shared allows each reading this material to simply embrace whatever " is " in their life dance, and choose to transcend and ascend into a new dance of unity and harmlessness

    我們希望我們已分享的信息允許每位閱讀本材料的朋友,能不管如何簡單地擁抱他們生命舞蹈中的一切「存在」 ,並提升到一個統一與無害的新舞蹈中。