hmmm 中文意思是什麼

hmmm 解釋
  1. Hmmm. do you think i could pay for my scroll scribing xp costs with a well - told tale of a drug - addled past of some sort

  2. Jack : good, good. hmmm miss livingstone said she ' d be waiting out in the front for me. rochester honk the horn

  3. Man was like " hmmm, strange i worked as a director for the " 3 musketeers.

    男人很喜歡: "嗯,又巧了.我是3m公司的董事.
  4. Hmmm. well, stout yeoman, a sturdy trident, if you please

    嗯… …那麼,可以的話,好商家,來一支好三叉戟。
  5. The third floor sign reads : floor 3 - these women have jobs, love sports and are extremely good looking. " hmmm, better " he says. " but i wonder what ' s upstairs ?

    第三層樓的門牌上寫著:這里的女人不單單有工作、喜歡運動,而且長得也非常漂亮。 「嗯,果然不錯! 」他說。 「但是,再上面的肯定更好吧,會是怎樣的驚喜等著我呢? 」
  6. Hmmm. why is our troublemaker so quiet today

  7. Hmmm. . why is our troublemaker so quiet today

    嗯. . .我們的搗蛋鬼今天怎麼這么老實
  8. Hmmm. . one hour a day. isn ' t that a bit too much

    這… …每天一小時,是不是有些太多了?
  9. Betty : hmmm. i don ' t really know. any suggestions

  10. Hmmm, could things not be as they seem

  11. Hmmm. . which card should i get, visa or master card

  12. Theyre the ones who dont tend to let you down. ” hmmm

    他們往往是那種不會讓你失望的人。 」
  13. Mona : hmmm. it ' s nice. have you got one in blue

    蒙納:啊,嗯, , ,它很漂亮。你有藍色的嗎?
  14. Mr. lin : hmmm. what about the other accounts

  15. Hmmm, an army of one thousand skeletons should do nicely

  16. Therapist : annie has the tool … … hmmm

  17. Kevin : warm - up … hmmm … now, that would be a good idea ! i wouldn ' t want to pull a muscle or something. i think i ' ll do some stretching

    暖身喔. . .嗯. . .好主意!好吧,我可不想拉傷肌肉之類的。我想來做點伸展的運動。
  18. So, this is the one that looks like ak, uses ak ammo, but, doesn ' t have same mechanism as aks. hmmm. . it is good to be fireamrs dealer / collector

    麻州獵鹿人寫:外型看起來有點像ak ,其實內部設計大相庭逕。我這把是折疊托的,外加槍背帶及刺刀。槍托部好像是某種塑膠片壓成的。
  19. Henry : hmmm … a coupe with a four - cylinder engine. not fancy, but cool enough

    亨利:嗯… …四汽缸引擊雙門跑車。不花俏,但是夠酷。
  20. Hmmm, well, his grades are good, but he ' s lacking in evil extracurriculars
