howells 中文意思是什麼

howells 解釋
n. 名詞 豪厄爾(斯)〈姓氏,男子名〉。

  1. There were novelists of the time, like howells, who avowed that they were "realists".

  2. This, originally, continued, " with his tail shut down like a hasp " ; but of this latter phrase twain ' s friend and adviser w. d. howells wrote in the margin of the manuscript, " awfully good but a little dirty "

    這段描寫最初後面還接續著「尾巴夾在腿中間象個紡錘」 ,不過馬克?吐溫的朋友兼顧問豪爾斯為這句話在底稿邊緣空白上寫道: 「好得很,只是有點不雅。
  3. Howells is fully aware of bartley's failings.

  4. But dreiser, whom howells could not stomach, was another matter.

  5. Howells said that his novels were a response to the needs of his generation.

  6. If they did not call themselves romanticists they nevertheless disagreed explicitly with howells and his proteges.

  7. His books had sold badly; much as he valued the opinion of howells and other champions of realism, he craved success.

  8. Howells was, despite his faintly old-maidish quality, the most professional of writers, and the most generously sympathetic of critics.

  9. Dr kim howells mp minister of state

  10. But twain, howells, and james were jeeringly described by mencken as " draft - dodgers "

    不過吐溫、豪威爾斯和詹姆斯都是被門肯譏誚地叫做「逃避兵役的人。 」
  11. But twain, howells, and james were jeeringly described by mencken as "draft-dodgers".

  12. By the early 1880s howells's brand of realism was in certain respects fixed.

  13. Howells' treatment of sexual love is especially interesting.

  14. Howells, perhaps, lived too long for their own good; tranquil old age, however well-earned seemed not to accord with the vigor of their best work.

  15. This, originally, continued, "with his tail shut down like a hasp" ; but of this latter phrase twain's friend and adviser w. d. howells wrote in the margin of the manuscript, "awfully good but a little dirty".

  16. Mr mccartney was previously minister without portfolio and party chair 2003 2006. dr kim howells continues his role as minister of state responsible for the middle east, afghanistan and south asia, counter narcotics, counter proliferation, counter terrorism, un and un reform

    金豪厄爾斯博士( kim howells )繼續其國務大臣的職務,負責中東、阿富汗和南亞事務,以及反麻醉品問題、反核擴散、反恐、聯合國和聯合國改革等方面的事務。
  17. Moreover, by 1900 he, like howells, had grown accustomed(if not entirely reconciled)to the new america.
