inexperienced 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ˌinik'spiriənst]
inexperienced 解釋
  1. You ' re young, miss campbell, and inexperienced

  2. All the team members displayed their fortitudinous and team spirit though the team was just organized for the first time and inexperienced

  3. He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market

  4. He was too new, too inexperienced, and the mandarins knew too little about him.

  5. A pillion passenger who is inexperienced or nervous and behaves or moves the wrong way or suddenly is dangerous

  6. The market is full of pitfalls for the inexperienced.

  7. The inexperienced sailor has not so far got his sea legs

  8. Ignorant and inexperienced, it is not strange that in the first years of our new life we began at the top instead of at the bottom ; that a seat in congress or the state legislature was more sought than real estate or industrial skill ; that the political convention or stump speaking had more attractions than starting a dairy farm or truck garden

  9. Mr zapatero was inexperienced, ill - prepared and unprepossessing ; he was nicknamed “ bambi ”, as he often looked like a startled fawn caught in the headlights

    缺少經驗,不夠老練以及無領導風范薩帕特羅被戲稱為「小鹿斑比」 ,因為聚光燈下的他總是顯得惶恐不安。
  10. Adapted from bizet s opera carmen and josef von sternberg s the blue angel, the wild, wild rose is undoubtedly one of the classics in hong kong cinema in every sense of the word. grace chang ge lan gives her most mesmerizing performance as a sensuous singer who seduces and destroys both herself and the man she loves. she is nicely complemented by zhang yang as the inexperienced piano player who falls for her

    本片是素有才女之稱的編劇秦亦孚即秦雨特別為葛蘭度身訂造的劇本,以比才bizet的經典歌劇卡門carmen和約瑟馮史丹堡josef von sternberg的藍天使the blue angel為藍本,描寫一名野性難馴但卻顛倒眾生的歌星,和鬱郁不得志的知識青年的愛情悲劇,套在六十年代初期中西文化互聚但卻貧富懸殊的香港社會中,竟恰到好處。
  11. The tv plays and movies adapted from the chivalry fiction are even more appealing to the inexperienced teenagers and the ill - educated audience

  12. He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.

  13. The foolish inexperienced acts of a boy fifteen or sixteen have been gone into before you gentlemen.

  14. The congress would not want to run the risk of placing a supposedly inexperienced man in charge of foreign affairs.

  15. He didn't even remember her name or her appearance, except that she wore glasses and was young, just a kid, and probably inexperienced.

  16. Only this idiot lula, a young, inexperienced con

  17. She is by no means an inexperienced teacher

  18. I felt very young and inexperienced

  19. The inexperienced soldier let the gun off in error

  20. It is customary for a brother of the kingsguard to enter the service of the king having already accomplished a number of other worthy deeds ? commoners or green, inexperienced knights have been appointed to this prominent position, but rarely

    按照慣例,為國王服務的御林鐵衛都已建立豐功偉績- -而平民或是新手,缺乏經驗的騎士也會被指定到這顯赫的地位,但非常罕見。