layton 中文意思是什麼

layton 解釋
  1. Layton : yes, of course, i would love to accept his invitation. what is the attire for the evening

  2. One scholar said of the odes, " here are some of the most beautiful songs of peace and joy that the world possesses. " bentley layton in the gnostic scriptures says that the odes were considered to be inspired scripture and were chanted by christians who lived in syria and mesopotamia about 2, 000 years ago

    在諾斯教派的經典中,班特雷bentley layton曾說過:在2000年前敘利亞和美索不達米亞mesopotamia區域,基督徒們認為這些歌賦是具有啟發性的經文,從而頌念它們。