lempereur 中文意思是什麼

lempereur 解釋
  1. Vive lempereur ! lempereur ! rostov could hear distinctly now

    現在羅斯托夫已經清晰地聽見「 vivelempereur , lempereur 」 !
  2. But as soon as they clambered out in drenched and streaming clothes they shouted vive lempereur

    但他們剛一上岸,濕透的軍服還滴著晶晶的水流,就高呼: 「萬歲! 」
  3. No sooner had the adjutant said this than the old whiskered officer, with happy face and sparkling eyes, brandished his sabre in the air shouting vive lempereur

    副官語音一落,這位鬍髭濃密的老軍官喜形於色,兩眼發亮,高舉軍刀,大呼「萬歲! 」
  4. He wrote down as an answer, lempereur alexandre

    皮埃爾寫出這個問題的答案: lempereur alexandre ?