miike 中文意思是什麼

miike 解釋
  1. Judging on these criteria, it is why i found it extremely hard to believe how miike could possible persuade the film company and the investors to work on such a commercial project that fails to care about the feeling of the audiences at all. some people may parallel it to say, wong kar wai s movies, that are also incomprehensible to the audiences, but wkw is at least more honest about his own feeling and he is always able to incorporate his genuine emotions into his movies

    不過王家衛的影片總算拍出豐富感情,觀眾能夠感受其意境和內涵,可惜同樣孤芳自賞的三池崇史卻眼高手低,整部戲只給人造作和惺惺作態的感覺,尤其那些歷史片段的蒙太奇和唱歌戲(有點像西片《天生殺人狂》 ,但論意境和效果則差得遠) ,都無法打動觀眾。
  2. So if the ingredient of love is war, then a competition for young illustrators is the main battlefield, with personalities like miike takashi and tsukamoto shinya making their appearances

    戀乃役則喜畫傳統漫畫,早上是ol ,晚上易裝為心愛的漫畫人物。兩人邂逅相戀,就像鮮花插在石頭上,好不容易彼此將就。
  3. Is certainly not a work for the mainstream audience, and also not the kind of stuff most miike s fans would expect

  4. As a cult icon of japanese cinema, prolific director takashi miike always brings surprise to his audiences. while his movies are mostly bizarre and full of experimental touches, there is usually a legible storyline to follow
