mohammad khatami 中文意思是什麼

mohammad khatami 解釋
  1. On monday, iranian president mohammad khatami pledged to cover the cost of the surgery, estimated at around $ 300, 000

  2. Outgoing president mohammad khatami said that, by law, only interior ministry figures are officially valid

  3. According to shiva, a young actress, when the reformist president mohammad khatami came to power in 1997, her generation was full of hope

    據年輕的女演員希瓦說, 1997年伊朗改革派總統穆罕默德?卡塔米當選時,他們那一代人當時對未來充滿希望。
  4. Tehran, feb. 9 ( reuters ) : no iranian government, present or future, will give up the country ' s drive to master peaceful nuclear technology, including uranium enrichment, president mohammad khatami said today

    德黑蘭, 2月9日(路透社) :沒有伊朗政府,現在或者未來,將放棄國家的行駛精通和平核的技術,包括濃縮鈾提煉,穆罕默德.哈塔米總統今天說。