mouse trap 中文意思是什麼

mouse trap 解釋
1. 捕鼠器;〈戲謔語〉小屋子。
2. 〈美、劇〉演出技巧極壞的演員。
3. 小戲院;下等夜總會。
4. 防空氣球網。

  • mouse : MOUSE = minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth 不載人的最小人造地球衛星〈儀表載重五十公...
  • trap : n 1 (捕動物的)捕獸機,夾子,陷阱;圈套,詭計。2 靶鴿發射器;射球戲;(射球戲用的)鞋形射球器。3...
  1. If you are a mouse, you suddenly find yourself captured in a rat trap and in front of you is a piece of delicious cake, do you eat the cake or not ?

    如果你是一隻老鼠,你突然發覺你已被關進捕鼠籠而你前面有一塊香噴噴的蛋糕,這時,你窨是吃還是不吃呢? !
  2. Mobile mouse control flames jack mobile will be lured to trap the enemy, left click guaranteed that the enemy trap inside the storm

  3. The mouse - trap set in the kitchen just caught a mouse
