munro 中文意思是什麼

munro 解釋
  1. Land rights of dispossessed farmers. paul munro - faure

  2. The stark - munro letters by a. conan doyle, property of the city of dublin public library, 106 capel street, lent 21 may whitsun eve 1904, due 4 june 1904, 13 days overdue black cloth binding, bearing white letternumber ticket

  3. " ponies and zebras very rarely share the same environment even in the wild. a meeting between the two is very rare in the natural environment, " said lesley barwise - munro, spokeswoman for the british equine veterinary association

    英國獸醫協會研究馬科動物的女發言人萊斯麗-巴外斯-曼路說: "野生狀態下,矮種馬和斑馬共同相處的可能性極少,二者很少有機會相遇。
  4. Original text adapted by ursula walsh with munro communications, with further adaptation by the voice talent sally nicholls. the story exposes children to accurate, native english

    本故事由英語作家ursula walsh改編,再由sally nicholls進一步修飾錄制,務求讓孩子接觸到純正準確的英語。
  5. We are not yet in such a strait that it can be said munro is too much pressed to discharge the little domestic duties of his own family.

  6. On munro ' s neo - naturalism aesthetics

  7. Study progress in germplasm resources of eremochloa ophiuroides munro. hack

  8. Bang of the lastlap bell spurred the halfmile wheelmen to their sprint. j. a. jackson, w. e. wylie, a. munro and h. t. gahan, their stretched necks wagging, negotiated the curve by the college library

  9. " in newspaper columns opposing the canadian proposal last year, mr. munro said the american legislation had produced only modest conservation benefits, while costing thousands of logging jobs to save species like the spotted owl

  10. Jack munro, chairman of the forest alliance of british columbia, a logging trade group, wrote, " british columbians only have to look across the border to see the kind of human devastation that can result from poorly reasoned actions considered necessary to protect endangered species

    傑克?芒羅是不列顛哥倫比亞森林聯盟一個伐木貿易組織的主席,他在報紙上發表文章說, 「不列顛哥倫比亞人只需要看一看邊界那邊的那種人為造成的荒蕪狀態,那都是由於只考慮到必須保護瀕危物種但缺乏鎮密分析的行為造成的。
  11. Cora munro : they ' re going to hang you. why didn ' t you leave when you had the chance
