ordinarily 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['ɔ:dinərili]
ordinarily 解釋
adv. 動詞 副詞 通常,普通;大概,大抵;平凡,一般。
O- he sleeps until the last possible minute. 他通常要盡可能睡到最後一分鐘才起床。
expect sb. to be ordinarily honest 期望某人達到一般的誠實水準。

  1. Ordinarily, neutrinos and antineutrinos readily escape from stellar interiors without making collisions.

  2. Anthracotic pigment ordinarily is not fibrogenic, but in massive amounts ( as in " black lung disease " in coal miners ) a fibrogenic response can be elicited to produce the " coal worker ' s pneumoconiosis " seen here

    煤肺色素通常不存在纖維化,但炭塵量很大(就如煤礦工人的「黑肺病」 ) ,纖維增生反應能誘發煤礦工人肺塵埃沉著癥。
  3. Ordinarily, life insurers are valued at about twice their book value

  4. Mr. slope's civility had been more than ordinarily greasy.

  5. Relinquishing his symposiarchal right to the moustache cup of imitation crown derby presented to him by his only daughter, millicent milly, he substituted a cup identical with that of his guest and served extraordinarily to his guest and, in reduced measure, to himself the viscous cream ordinarily reserved for the breakfast of his wife marion molly

  6. Temperature ordinarily decreases with height.

  7. Except as expressly provided otherwise, this convention applies to all ships, whether publicly or privately owned, ordinarily engaged in commercial activities, other than ships engaged in fishing or in similar pursuits and ships of traditional build such as dhows and junks

  8. Ordinarily, the disinformation contained in the film could be written off as just another political strategy to mold public opinion

  9. Ejection murmurs ordinarily occur in midsystole

  10. Laws are ordinarily enacted as the result of social pressures and problems.

  11. Ordinarily he enjoyed these fits of irish.

  12. The dull driver, smoking his pipe, was plodding along toward the limits of the faubourg saint - denis, where no doubt he ordinarily had his station

  13. Her job ordinarily consisted of five days a week at fbi headquarters.

  14. Mrs western was a very good-natured woman, and ordinarily of a forgiving temper.

  15. Ordinarily a kitchen-dance is harmless enough.

  16. Ordinarily, this mixture means little because the various isotopes are almost indistinguishable in most of their properties.

  17. Ordinarily, random thermal jigging of the molecules prevents sound waves from behaving analogously to light quanta

  18. One of these is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages

  19. All mesmeric powers such as materialization power enslaving masses for money or fame, visionary powers drishti siddha, speech powers vani siddha, curing powers, transcendental feelings powers of switching off the mind, separation of body, and many other powers, are very ordinarily found among those who practice the control of spirits pretsiddhi or smashan vidya

    不明的治療能力超越的感覺關閉思維的能力,靈魂出竅及其他各種各樣的能力,都很容易在那種口裡說神,實際上卻是控制亡靈pretsiddhi或smashan vidya的人身上發現。
  20. Ordinarily, he goes by train.
