penza 中文意思是什麼

penza 解釋
  1. Anna mihalovna, who often visited the karagins, took a hand at cards with the mother, and meanwhile collected trustworthy information as to the portion that julie would receive on her marriage her dowry was to consist of two estates in the penza province and forests in the nizhnigorod province

  2. But in julies presence, as he watched her red face and her chin, almost always sprinkled with powder, her moist eyes, and the expression of her countenance, which betokened a continual readiness to pass at once from melancholy to the unnatural ecstasies of conjugal love, boris could not utter the decisive word, although in imagination he had long regarded himself as the owner of the penza and nizhnigorod estates, and had disposed of the expenditure of their several revenues

  3. She knew that for her penza estates and her nizhnigorod forests she could demand that, and she got all she demanded

  4. Boris heard his mother with a faintly perceptible smile. he laughed blandly at her simple - hearted wiles, but he listened to her and sometimes questioned her carefully about the penza and nizhnigorod estates

  5. And how i feel for her mother, she would go on. she showed me today the letters and accounts from penza they have an immense estate there, and she, poor thing, with no one to help her. they do take such advantage of her

    她沉默片刻, 「我多麼憐憫她的媽媽, 」她繼續說, 「今天她把從奔薩送來的帳目和信札拿給我看她們有個偌大的領地,她很可憐,全靠自己一個人,人家都欺騙她! 」
  6. What do you think about it, my dear ? said anna mihalovna. boris was mortified at the idea of being unsuccessful, of having wasted all that month of tedious, melancholy courtship of julie, and of seeing all the revenues of those penza estateswhich he had mentally assigned to the various purposes for which he needed thempass into other hands, especially into the hands of that fool anatole
