pleadings 中文意思是什麼

pleadings 解釋
n. 名詞 懇求
  1. I didn't add any pleadings to eva's.

  2. Anticipatory breach is closely related to concerned concepts - unassured pleadings or practical breach of the contract

  3. Therefore in the construction contract uses the advanced payment, the contractor may exercise unassured pleadings to guard project funds is delayed in payment

  4. The judge found that te plaitiff ' s pleadings disclosed no cause of action

  5. The major items of pleadings are : statement of claim, defence, defence and counterclaim, and reply to defence

  6. Pleadings are the court documents in which the plaintiff and the defendant set out all the important facts in order to support their case

  7. The above order should, where possible, be adopted and, where necessary, be adapted to suit the specific application or appeal. for instance, the lists of documents can be put after the pleadings in a specific discovery application

  8. Enterprises apply for export tax rebates, the period needed to complete the seat of the ird taxes matrix, and to provide calculation of taxes ( equivalent to vat invoices ), and exports to the pleadings ( ie export declarations )

    企業辦理出口退稅,需要向期限所在地稅務局填報稅金匯總表,並提供稅金計算書(相當于增值稅專用發票)和出口免狀書(即出口報關單) 。
  9. The heading is " headline of headlong pleadings "

  10. The man, cruel beyond belief, didn ' t listen to their pleadings

  11. Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips

  12. On the right of inassured pleadings

  13. How to verify and assert the evidence for administrative decision regard plaintiff ' s civil pleadings

  14. Aginor tried to calm the young ardan at the time, but knew that his pleadings would fall on deaf ears

  15. As the most important law to regulate the exchange relations among the equal subjects in the market economy, china ' s contract law formally accepted the system of uneasy pleadings as well as that of anticipatory breach, which is a milestone in china ' s civil legislature, showing china ' s absorbable attitude towards different law systems

    受害方承認默示預期違約,其有權: ( 1 )中止相對應的那部分給付。 ( 2 )要求違約方提供充分保證。 ( 3 )在違約方未在合理期限內提供履約保證時解除合同,請求損害賠償。
  16. To carry out the principles of justice and good faith, continent countries created the system of right of uneasy pleadings, allowing the former performer to exercise right of uneasy pleadings to suspend his performance and to claim assurance of the other party which is in bad property conditions and has the probability not to perform his obligations to pay the price or to take delivery of the goods. the system of right of uneasy pleadings has the same value and functions as that of anticipatory breach of contract, esp. diminished expectation

    ( 3 )合同履行期屆至后尋求實際違約的救濟本章第三節對默示預期違約進行了分析,從以下三方面展開:一、默示預期違約規則的確立和發展英美法最早於1894年英國法院在審理辛格夫人訴辛格一案中確立了默示預期違約規則,允許默示預期違約受害方在對方違反合同主要義務時解除合同,並請求損害賠償。
  17. At last, the paper expounds such special legal questions in advertisement to offer a reward as indefinite remuneration, right to petition for remuneration of specific actor, advocate of actor ' s right of pleadings, the determination of boundary lines between lost property and forgotten property and the rescission of advertisement to offer a reward
